
IErrorBarsFormat interface

Represents error bars of chart series. ErrorBars custom values are in IChartDataPointCollection (in ErrorBarsCustomValues property).

public interface IErrorBarsFormat : IChartComponent


AsIChartComponent { get; }Returns IChartComponent interface. Read-only IChartComponent.
Format { get; set; }Represents the format of the error bars. Read/write IFormat.
HasEndCap { get; set; }Specifies an end cap is not drawn on the error bars. Read/write Boolean.
IsVisible { get; set; }Gets or sets Error Bars visibility. Read/write Boolean.
Type { get; set; }Gets or sets type of error bars. Read/write ErrorBarType.
Value { get; set; }Gets or sets value which is used with Fixed, Percentage and StandardDeviation value types to determine the length of the error bars. Read/write Single.
ValueType { get; set; }Represents possible ways to determine the length of the error bars. In case of custom value type to specify value use ErrorBarsCustomValues property of specific data point in DataPoints collection of series. Read/write ErrorBarValueType.

See Also