Aspose::Words::FileCorruptedException typedef
]FileCorruptedException typedef
Thrown during document load, when the document appears to be corrupted and impossible to load. To learn more, visit the Programming with Documents documentation article.
using Aspose::Words::FileCorruptedException = typedef System::ExceptionWrapper<Details_FileCorruptedException>
Shows how to catch a FileCorruptedException.
// If we get an "Unreadable content" error message when trying to open a document using Microsoft Word,
// chances are that we will get an exception thrown when trying to load that document using Aspose.Words.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Corrupted document.docx");
catch (FileCorruptedException& e)
std::cout << e->get_Message() << std::endl;
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++