Aspose::Words::LoadFormat enum
]LoadFormat enum
Indicates the format of the document that is to be loaded.
enum class LoadFormat
Name | Value | Description |
Auto | 0 | Instructs Aspose.Words to recognize the format automatically. |
MsWorks | 8 | |
Doc | 10 | Microsoft Word 95 or Word 97 - 2003 Document. |
Dot | 11 | Microsoft Word 95 or Word 97 - 2003 Template. |
DocPreWord60 | 12 | The document is in pre-Word 95 format. Aspose.Words does not currently support loading such documents. |
Docx | 20 | Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document (macro-free). |
Docm | 21 | Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document. |
Dotx | 22 | Office Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free). |
Dotm | 23 | Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template. |
FlatOpc | 24 | Office Open XML WordprocessingML stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package. |
FlatOpcMacroEnabled | 25 | Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package. |
FlatOpcTemplate | 26 | Office Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free) stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package. |
FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled | 27 | Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package. |
Rtf | 30 | RTF format. |
WordML | 31 | Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML format. |
Html | 50 | HTML format. |
Mhtml | 51 | MHTML (Web archive) format. |
Mobi | 52 | MOBI format. Used by MobiPocket reader and Amazon Kindle readers. |
Chm | 53 | CHM (Compiled HTML Help) format. |
Azw3 | 54 | AZW3 format. Used by Amazon Kindle readers. |
Epub | 55 | EPUB format. |
Odt | 60 | ODF Text Document. |
Ott | 61 | ODF Text Document Template. |
Text | 62 | Plain Text. |
Markdown | 63 | Markdown text document. |
Xml | 65 | XML document. |
Unknown | 255 | Unrecognized format, cannot be loaded by Aspose.Words. |
Shows how to use the FileFormatUtil methods to detect the format of a document.
// Load a document from a file that is missing a file extension, and then detect its file format.
SharedPtr<System::IO::FileStream> docStream = System::IO::File::OpenRead(MyDir + u"Word document with missing file extension");
SharedPtr<FileFormatInfo> info = FileFormatUtil::DetectFileFormat(docStream);
LoadFormat loadFormat = info->get_LoadFormat();
ASSERT_EQ(LoadFormat::Doc, loadFormat);
// Below are two methods of converting a LoadFormat to its corresponding SaveFormat.
// 1 - Get the file extension string for the LoadFormat, then get the corresponding SaveFormat from that string:
String fileExtension = FileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToExtension(loadFormat);
SaveFormat saveFormat = FileFormatUtil::ExtensionToSaveFormat(fileExtension);
// 2 - Convert the LoadFormat directly to its SaveFormat:
saveFormat = FileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToSaveFormat(loadFormat);
// Load a document from the stream, and then save it to the automatically detected file extension.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(docStream);
ASSERT_EQ(u".doc", FileFormatUtil::SaveFormatToExtension(saveFormat));
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"File.SaveToDetectedFileFormat" + FileFormatUtil::SaveFormatToExtension(saveFormat));
Shows how to specify a base URI when opening an html document.
// Suppose we want to load an .html document that contains an image linked by a relative URI
// while the image is in a different location. In that case, we will need to resolve the relative URI into an absolute one.
// We can provide a base URI using an HtmlLoadOptions object.
auto loadOptions = MakeObject<HtmlLoadOptions>(LoadFormat::Html, u"", ImageDir);
ASSERT_EQ(LoadFormat::Html, loadOptions->get_LoadFormat());
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Missing image.html", loadOptions);
// While the image was broken in the input .html, our custom base URI helped us repair the link.
auto imageShape = System::ExplicitCast<Shape>(doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Shape, true)->idx_get(0));
// This output document will display the image that was missing.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"HtmlLoadOptions.BaseUri.docx");
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++