Aspose::Words::LoadFormat enum

LoadFormat enum

Indicates the format of the document that is to be loaded.

enum class LoadFormat


Auto0Instructs Aspose.Words to recognize the format automatically.
Doc10Microsoft Word 95 or Word 97 - 2003 Document.
Dot11Microsoft Word 95 or Word 97 - 2003 Template.
DocPreWord6012The document is in pre-Word 95 format. Aspose.Words does not currently support loading such documents.
Docx20Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document (macro-free).
Docm21Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document.
Dotx22Office Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free).
Dotm23Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template.
FlatOpc24Office Open XML WordprocessingML stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
FlatOpcMacroEnabled25Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
FlatOpcTemplate26Office Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free) stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled27Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
Rtf30RTF format.
WordML31Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML format.
Html50HTML format.
Mhtml51MHTML (Web archive) format.
Mobi52MOBI format. Used by MobiPocket reader and Amazon Kindle readers.
Chm53CHM (Compiled HTML Help) format.
Azw354AZW3 format. Used by Amazon Kindle readers.
Epub55EPUB format.
Odt60ODF Text Document.
Ott61ODF Text Document Template.
Text62Plain Text.
Markdown63Markdown text document.
Xml65XML document.
Unknown255Unrecognized format, cannot be loaded by Aspose.Words.


Shows how to use the FileFormatUtil methods to detect the format of a document.

// Load a document from a file that is missing a file extension, and then detect its file format.
    SharedPtr<System::IO::FileStream> docStream = System::IO::File::OpenRead(MyDir + u"Word document with missing file extension");
    SharedPtr<FileFormatInfo> info = FileFormatUtil::DetectFileFormat(docStream);
    LoadFormat loadFormat = info->get_LoadFormat();

    ASSERT_EQ(LoadFormat::Doc, loadFormat);

    // Below are two methods of converting a LoadFormat to its corresponding SaveFormat.
    // 1 -  Get the file extension string for the LoadFormat, then get the corresponding SaveFormat from that string:
    String fileExtension = FileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToExtension(loadFormat);
    SaveFormat saveFormat = FileFormatUtil::ExtensionToSaveFormat(fileExtension);

    // 2 -  Convert the LoadFormat directly to its SaveFormat:
    saveFormat = FileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToSaveFormat(loadFormat);

    // Load a document from the stream, and then save it to the automatically detected file extension.
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(docStream);

    ASSERT_EQ(u".doc", FileFormatUtil::SaveFormatToExtension(saveFormat));

    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"File.SaveToDetectedFileFormat" + FileFormatUtil::SaveFormatToExtension(saveFormat));

Shows how to specify a base URI when opening an html document.

// Suppose we want to load an .html document that contains an image linked by a relative URI
// while the image is in a different location. In that case, we will need to resolve the relative URI into an absolute one.
// We can provide a base URI using an HtmlLoadOptions object.
auto loadOptions = MakeObject<HtmlLoadOptions>(LoadFormat::Html, u"", ImageDir);

ASSERT_EQ(LoadFormat::Html, loadOptions->get_LoadFormat());

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Missing image.html", loadOptions);

// While the image was broken in the input .html, our custom base URI helped us repair the link.
auto imageShape = System::ExplicitCast<Shape>(doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Shape, true)->idx_get(0));

// This output document will display the image that was missing.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"HtmlLoadOptions.BaseUri.docx");

See Also