Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LineNumberRestartMode method

PageSetup::get_LineNumberRestartMode method

Gets or sets the way line numbering runs that is, whether it starts over at the beginning of a new page or section or runs continuously.

Aspose::Words::LineNumberRestartMode Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LineNumberRestartMode()


Shows how to enable line numbering for a section.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// We can use the section's PageSetup object to display numbers to the left of the section's text lines.
// This is the same behavior as a List object,
// but it covers the entire section and does not modify the text in any way.
// Our section will restart the numbering on each new page from 1 and display the number,
// if it is a multiple of 3, at 50pt to the left of the line.
SharedPtr<PageSetup> pageSetup = builder->get_PageSetup();

for (int i = 1; i <= 25; i++)
    builder->Writeln(String::Format(u"Line {0}.", i));

// The line counter will skip any paragraph with the "SuppressLineNumbers" flag set to "true".
// This paragraph is on the 15th line, which is a multiple of 3, and thus would normally display a line number.
// The section's line counter will also ignore this line, treat the next line as the 15th,
// and continue the count from that point onward.

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"PageSetup.LineNumbers.docx");

See Also