Aspose::Words::StyleCollection::idx_get method

StyleCollection::idx_get(Aspose::Words::StyleIdentifier) method

Gets a built-in style by its locale independent identifier.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Style> Aspose::Words::StyleCollection::idx_get(Aspose::Words::StyleIdentifier sti)
stiAspose::Words::StyleIdentifierA StyleIdentifier value that specifies the built in style to retrieve.


When accessing a style that does not yet exist, automatically creates it.


Shows how to add a Style to a document’s styles collection.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
SharedPtr<StyleCollection> styles = doc->get_Styles();

// Set default parameters for new styles that we may later add to this collection.
styles->get_DefaultFont()->set_Name(u"Courier New");

// If we add a style of the "StyleType.Paragraph", the collection will apply the values of
// its "DefaultParagraphFormat" property to the style's "ParagraphFormat" property.

// Add a style, and then verify that it has the default settings.
styles->Add(StyleType::Paragraph, u"MyStyle");

ASSERT_EQ(u"Courier New", styles->idx_get(4)->get_Font()->get_Name());
ASPOSE_ASSERT_EQ(15.0, styles->idx_get(u"MyStyle")->get_ParagraphFormat()->get_FirstLineIndent());

See Also

StyleCollection::idx_get(const System::String&) method

Gets a style by name or alias.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Style> Aspose::Words::StyleCollection::idx_get(const System::String &name)


Case sensitive, returns null if the style with the given name is not found.

If this is an English name of a built in style that does not yet exist, automatically creates it.


Shows when to recalculate the page layout of the document.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Rendering.docx");

// Saving a document to PDF, to an image, or printing for the first time will automatically
// cache the layout of the document within its pages.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Document.UpdatePageLayout.1.pdf");

// Modify the document in some way.

// In the current version of Aspose.Words, modifying the document does not automatically rebuild
// the cached page layout. If we wish for the cached layout
// to stay up to date, we will need to update it manually.

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Document.UpdatePageLayout.2.pdf");

See Also

StyleCollection::idx_get(int32_t) method

Gets a style by index.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Style> Aspose::Words::StyleCollection::idx_get(int32_t index)


Shows how to add a Style to a document’s styles collection.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
SharedPtr<StyleCollection> styles = doc->get_Styles();

// Set default parameters for new styles that we may later add to this collection.
styles->get_DefaultFont()->set_Name(u"Courier New");

// If we add a style of the "StyleType.Paragraph", the collection will apply the values of
// its "DefaultParagraphFormat" property to the style's "ParagraphFormat" property.

// Add a style, and then verify that it has the default settings.
styles->Add(StyleType::Paragraph, u"MyStyle");

ASSERT_EQ(u"Courier New", styles->idx_get(4)->get_Font()->get_Name());
ASPOSE_ASSERT_EQ(15.0, styles->idx_get(u"MyStyle")->get_ParagraphFormat()->get_FirstLineIndent());

See Also