Initializes a new instance of this class with default values.
public LoadOptions()
Shows how to open an HTML document with images from a stream using a base URI.
using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(MyDir + "Document.html"))
// Pass the URI of the base folder while loading it
// so that any images with relative URIs in the HTML document can be found.
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
loadOptions.BaseUri = ImageDir;
Document doc = new Document(stream, loadOptions);
// Verify that the first shape of the document contains a valid image.
Shape shape = (Shape)doc.GetChild(NodeType.Shape, 0, true);
Assert.AreEqual(32.0, ConvertUtil.PointToPixel(shape.Width), 0.01);
Assert.AreEqual(32.0, ConvertUtil.PointToPixel(shape.Height), 0.01);
See Also
- class LoadOptions
- namespace Aspose.Words.Loading
- assembly Aspose.Words
A shortcut to initialize a new instance of this class with the specified password to load an encrypted document.
public LoadOptions(string password)
Parameter | Type | Description |
password | String | The password to open an encrypted document. Can be null or empty string. |
Shows how to load an encrypted Microsoft Word document.
Document doc;
// Aspose.Words throw an exception if we try to open an encrypted document without its password.
Assert.Throws<IncorrectPasswordException>(() => doc = new Document(MyDir + "Encrypted.docx"));
// When loading such a document, the password is passed to the document's constructor using a LoadOptions object.
LoadOptions options = new LoadOptions("docPassword");
// There are two ways of loading an encrypted document with a LoadOptions object.
// 1 - Load the document from the local file system by filename:
doc = new Document(MyDir + "Encrypted.docx", options);
// 2 - Load the document from a stream:
using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(MyDir + "Encrypted.docx"))
doc = new Document(stream, options);
See Also
- class LoadOptions
- namespace Aspose.Words.Loading
- assembly Aspose.Words
LoadOptions(LoadFormat, string, string)
A shortcut to initialize a new instance of this class with properties set to the specified values.
public LoadOptions(LoadFormat loadFormat, string password, string baseUri)
Parameter | Type | Description |
loadFormat | LoadFormat | The format of the document to be loaded. |
password | String | The password to open an encrypted document. Can be null or empty string. |
baseUri | String | The string that will be used to resolve relative URIs to absolute. Can be null or empty string. |
Shows how save a web page as a .docx file.
const string url = "https://products.aspose.com/words/";
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
var bytes = client.DownloadData(url);
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
// The URL is used again as a baseUri to ensure that any relative image paths are retrieved correctly.
LoadOptions options = new LoadOptions(LoadFormat.Html, "", url);
// Load the HTML document from stream and pass the LoadOptions object.
Document doc = new Document(stream, options);
// At this stage, we can read and edit the document's contents and then save it to the local file system.
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Document.InsertHtmlFromWebPage.docx");
Shows how to specify a base URI when opening an html document.
// Suppose we want to load an .html document that contains an image linked by a relative URI
// while the image is in a different location. In that case, we will need to resolve the relative URI into an absolute one.
// We can provide a base URI using an HtmlLoadOptions object.
HtmlLoadOptions loadOptions = new HtmlLoadOptions(LoadFormat.Html, "", ImageDir);
Assert.AreEqual(LoadFormat.Html, loadOptions.LoadFormat);
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Missing image.html", loadOptions);
// While the image was broken in the input .html, our custom base URI helped us repair the link.
Shape imageShape = (Shape)doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Shape, true)[0];
// This output document will display the image that was missing.
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlLoadOptions.BaseUri.docx");
See Also
- enum LoadFormat
- class LoadOptions
- namespace Aspose.Words.Loading
- assembly Aspose.Words