
MailMerger class

Provides methods intended to fill template with data using simple mail merge and mail merge with regions operations.

public static class MailMerger


static Execute(string, string, DataRow)Performs mail merge from a DataRow into the document.
static Execute(string, string, DataTable)Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document.
static Execute(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, DataRow)Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static Execute(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, DataTable)Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static Execute(string, string, SaveFormat, DataRow)Performs mail merge from a DataRow into the document.
static Execute(string, string, SaveFormat, DataTable)Performs mail merge from a DataRow into the document.
static Execute(string, string, string[], object[])Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static Execute(Stream, Stream, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, DataRow)Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static Execute(Stream, Stream, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, DataTable)Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static Execute(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, string[], object[])Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static Execute(string, string, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, DataRow)Performs mail merge from a DataRow into the document.
static Execute(string, string, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, DataTable)Performs mail merge from a DataRow into the document.
static Execute(string, string, SaveFormat, string[], object[])Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static Execute(Stream, Stream, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, string[], object[])Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static Execute(string, string, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, string[], object[])Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static ExecuteWithRegions(string, string, DataSet)Performs mail merge from a DataSet into a document with mail merge regions.
static ExecuteWithRegions(string, string, DataTable)Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document with mail merge regions.
static ExecuteWithRegions(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, DataSet)Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document with mail merge regions.
static ExecuteWithRegions(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, DataTable)Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document with mail merge regions.
static ExecuteWithRegions(string, string, SaveFormat, DataSet)Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document with mail merge regions.
static ExecuteWithRegions(string, string, SaveFormat, DataTable)Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document with mail merge regions.
static ExecuteWithRegions(Stream, Stream, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, DataSet)Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static ExecuteWithRegions(Stream, Stream, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, DataTable)Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
static ExecuteWithRegions(string, string, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, DataSet)Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document with mail merge regions.
static ExecuteWithRegions(string, string, SaveFormatMailMergeOptions, DataTable)Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document with mail merge regions.

See Also