
FootnoteType enumeration

Specifies whether this is a footnote or an endnote.

public enum FootnoteType


Footnote0The object is a footnote.
Endnote1The object is an endnote.


Both footnotes and endnotes are represented by objects by the Footnote class. Use FootnoteType to distinguish between footnotes and endnotes.


Shows how to reference text with a footnote and an endnote.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Insert some text and mark it with a footnote with the IsAuto property set to "true" by default,
// so the marker seen in the body text will be auto-numbered at "1",
// and the footnote will appear at the bottom of the page.
builder.Write("This text will be referenced by a footnote.");
builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, "Footnote comment regarding referenced text.");

// Insert more text and mark it with an endnote with a custom reference mark,
// which will be used in place of the number "2" and set "IsAuto" to false.
builder.Write("This text will be referenced by an endnote.");
builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Endnote, "Endnote comment regarding referenced text.", "CustomMark");

// Footnotes always appear at the bottom of their referenced text,
// so this page break will not affect the footnote.
// On the other hand, endnotes are always at the end of the document
// so that this page break will push the endnote down to the next page.

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "DocumentBuilder.InsertFootnote.docx");

Shows how to insert and customize footnotes.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Add text, and reference it with a footnote. This footnote will place a small superscript reference
// mark after the text that it references and create an entry below the main body text at the bottom of the page.
// This entry will contain the footnote's reference mark and the reference text,
// which we will pass to the document builder's "InsertFootnote" method.
builder.Write("Main body text.");
Footnote footnote = builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, "Footnote text.");

// If this property is set to "true", then our footnote's reference mark
// will be its index among all the section's footnotes.
// This is the first footnote, so the reference mark will be "1".

// We can move the document builder inside the footnote to edit its reference text. 
builder.Write(" More text added by a DocumentBuilder.");

Assert.AreEqual("\u0002 Footnote text. More text added by a DocumentBuilder.", footnote.GetText().Trim());

builder.Write(" More main body text.");
footnote = builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, "Footnote text.");

// We can set a custom reference mark which the footnote will use instead of its index number.
footnote.ReferenceMark = "RefMark";


// A bookmark with the "IsAuto" flag set to true will still show its real index
// even if previous bookmarks display custom reference marks, so this bookmark's reference mark will be a "3".
builder.Write(" More main body text.");
footnote = builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, "Footnote text.");


doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "InlineStory.AddFootnote.docx");

See Also