PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode enumeration

PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode enumeration

Specifies how the color space will be selected for the images in PDF document.


AUTOAspose.Words automatically selects the most appropriate color space for each image.
SIMPLE_CMYKAspose.Words coverts RGB images to CMYK color space using simple formula.


Shows how to set a different color space for images in a document as we export it to PDF.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.writeln('Jpeg image:')
builder.insert_image(IMAGE_DIR + 'Logo.jpg')
builder.writeln('Png image:')
builder.insert_image(IMAGE_DIR + 'Transparent background logo.png')
# Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "save" method
# to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
pdf_save_options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions()
# Set the "image_color_space_export_mode" property to "PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.AUTO" to get Aspose.Words to
# automatically select the color space for images in the document that it converts to PDF.
# In most cases, the color space will be RGB.
# Set the "image_color_space_export_mode" property to "PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SIMPLE_CMYK"
# to use the CMYK color space for all images in the saved PDF.
# Aspose.Words will also apply Flate compression to all images and ignore the "image_compression" property's value.
pdf_save_options.image_color_space_export_mode = pdf_image_color_space_export_mode
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PdfSaveOptions.image_color_space_export_mode.pdf', pdf_save_options)

See Also