PdfImageCompression enumeration

PdfImageCompression enumeration

Specifies the type of compression applied to images in the PDF file.


AUTOAutomatically selects the most appropriate compression for each image.
JPEGJpeg compression. Does not support transparency.


Shows how to specify a compression type for all images in a document that we are converting to PDF.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.writeln('Jpeg image:')
builder.insert_image(IMAGE_DIR + 'Logo.jpg')
builder.writeln('Png image:')
builder.insert_image(IMAGE_DIR + 'Transparent background logo.png')
# Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "save" method
# to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
pdf_save_options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions()
# Set the "image_compression" property to "PdfImageCompression.AUTO" to use the
# "image_compression" property to control the quality of the Jpeg images that end up in the output PDF.
# Set the "image_compression" property to "PdfImageCompression.JPEG" to use the
# "image_compression" property to control the quality of all images that end up in the output PDF.
pdf_save_options.image_compression = pdf_image_compression
# Set the "jpeg_quality" property to "10" to strengthen compression at the cost of image quality.
pdf_save_options.jpeg_quality = 10
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PdfSaveOptions.image_compression.pdf', pdf_save_options)

See Also