force_page_breaks property

TxtSaveOptionsBase.force_page_breaks property

Allows to specify whether the page breaks should be preserved during export.

The default value is False.

def force_page_breaks(self) -> bool:

def force_page_breaks(self, value: bool):


The property affects only page breaks that are inserted explicitly into a document. It is not related to page breaks that MS Word automatically inserts at the end of each page.


Shows how to specify whether to preserve page breaks when exporting a document to plaintext.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.writeln('Page 1')
builder.writeln('Page 2')
builder.writeln('Page 3')
# Create a "TxtSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "save"
# method to modify how we save the document to plaintext.
save_options = aw.saving.TxtSaveOptions()
# The Aspose.Words "Document" objects have page breaks, just like Microsoft Word documents.
# Save formats such as ".txt" are one continuous body of text without page breaks.
# Set the "force_page_breaks" property to "True" to preserve all page breaks in the form of '\f' characters.
# Set the "force_page_breaks" property to "False" to discard all page breaks.
save_options.force_page_breaks = force_page_breaks + 'TxtSaveOptions.page_breaks.txt', save_options)
# If we load a plaintext document with page breaks,
# the "Document" object will use them to split the body into pages.
doc = aw.Document(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'TxtSaveOptions.page_breaks.txt')
self.assertEqual(3 if force_page_breaks else 1, doc.page_count)

See Also