Enum PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat

PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat enumeration

Represents data display format in the PivotTable data field.

public enum PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat


Normal0Represents normal display format.
DifferenceFrom1Represents difference from display format.
PercentageOf2Represents percentage of display format.
PercentageDifferenceFrom3Represents percentage difference from display format.
RunningTotalIn4Represents running total in display format.
PercentageOfRow5Represents percentage of row display format.
PercentageOfColumn6Represents percentage of column display format.
PercentageOfTotal7Represents percentage of total display format.
Index8Represents index display format.
PercentageOfParentRowTotal9Represents percentage of parent row total display format.
PercentageOfParentColumnTotal10Represents percentage of parent column total display format.
PercentageOfParentTotal11Represents percentage of parent total display format.
PercentageOfRunningTotalIn12Represents percentage of running total in display format.
RankSmallestToLargest13Represents smallest to largest display format.
RankLargestToSmallest14Represents largest to smallest display format.



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using Aspose.Cells.Pivot;
    using System;

    public class PivotFieldDataDisplayFormatDemo
        public static void PivotFieldDataDisplayFormatExample()
            // Create a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            Cells cells = sheet.Cells;

            // Add some sample data
            cells[0, 0].Value = "fruit";
            cells[1, 0].Value = "grape";
            cells[2, 0].Value = "blueberry";
            cells[3, 0].Value = "kiwi";
            cells[4, 0].Value = "cherry";
            cells[5, 0].Value = "grape";
            cells[6, 0].Value = "blueberry";
            cells[7, 0].Value = "kiwi";
            cells[8, 0].Value = "cherry";

            cells[0, 1].Value = "year";
            cells[1, 1].Value = 2020;
            cells[2, 1].Value = 2020;
            cells[3, 1].Value = 2020;
            cells[4, 1].Value = 2020;
            cells[5, 1].Value = 2021;
            cells[6, 1].Value = 2021;
            cells[7, 1].Value = 2021;
            cells[8, 1].Value = 2021;

            cells[0, 2].Value = "amount";
            cells[1, 2].Value = 50;
            cells[2, 2].Value = 60;
            cells[3, 2].Value = 70;
            cells[4, 2].Value = 80;
            cells[5, 2].Value = 90;
            cells[6, 2].Value = 100;
            cells[7, 2].Value = 110;
            cells[8, 2].Value = 120;

            // Add a pivot table
            PivotTableCollection pivots = sheet.PivotTables;
            int pivotIndex = pivots.Add("=Sheet1!A1:C9", "A12", "TestPivotTable");
            PivotTable pivot = pivots[pivotIndex];
            pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Row, "fruit");
            pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Column, "year");
            pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Data, "amount");

            // Set the pivot table style
            pivot.PivotTableStyleType = PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium10;

            // Change PivotField's attributes
            PivotField dataField = pivot.DataFields[0];
            dataField.DisplayName = "custom display name";

            // Set DataDisplayFormat
            dataField.DataDisplayFormat = PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOfTotal;

            // Refresh and calculate data

            // Save the workbook

See Also