
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.psd.DisposableObject, com.aspose.psd.DataStreamSupporter, com.aspose.psd.Image

All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.psd.IRasterImageArgb32PixelLoader, com.aspose.internal.IPixelsSaver

public abstract class RasterImage extends Image implements IRasterImageArgb32PixelLoader, IPixelsSaver

Represents a raster image supporting raster graphics operations.


OnCreate_internalizedOccurs when image was loaded
OnLoad_internalizedOccurs when image was loaded by createFirstSupportedLoader
OnSave_internalizedOccurs when image was loaded or saved
OnUseCredit_internalizedOccurs when credit was used


adjustBrightness(int brightness)Adjust of a brightness for image.
adjustContrast(float contrast)Image contrasting
adjustGamma(float gamma)Gamma-correction of an image.
adjustGamma(float gammaRed, float gammaGreen, float gammaBlue)Gamma-correction of an image.
binarizeBradley(double brightnessDifference)Binarization of an image using Bradley’s adaptive thresholding algorithm using the integral image thresholding
binarizeBradley(double brightnessDifference, int windowSize)Binarization of an image using Bradley’s adaptive thresholding algorithm using the integral image thresholding
binarizeFixed(byte threshold)Binarization of an image with predefined threshold
binarizeOtsu()Binarization of an image with Otsu thresholding
cacheData()Caches the data and ensures no additional data loading will be performed from the underlying DataStreamSupporter.DataStreamContainer .
canLoad(InputStream stream)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream.
canLoad(InputStream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream and optionally using the specified loadOptions .
canLoad(String filePath)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path.
canLoad(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path and optionally using the specified open options.
canLoadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)
canLoadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)
canSave(ImageOptionsBase options)Determines whether image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options.
close()Implements the Closable interface and can be used in the try-with-resources statement since JDK 1.7.
convertToAps_internalized(ImageOptionsBase options, int mode, Rectangle clippingRectangle)Converts to aps.
create(ImageOptionsBase imageOptions, int width, int height)Creates a new image using the specified create options.
create(Image[] images)Creates a new image using the specified images as pages
create(Image[] images, boolean disposeImages)Creates a new image the specified images as pages.
crop(Rectangle rectangle)Crops the specified rectangle.
crop(int leftShift, int rightShift, int topShift, int bottomShift)Crop image with shifts.
dispose()Disposes the current instance.
dither(int ditheringMethod, int bitsCount)Performs dithering on the current image.
dither(int ditheringMethod, int bitsCount, IColorPalette customPalette)Performs dithering on the current image.
doAfterSave_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)
equals(Object arg0)
filter(Rectangle rectangle, FilterOptionsBase options)Filters the specified rectangle.
getArgb32Pixel(int x, int y)Gets an image 32-bit ARGB pixel.
getAutoAdjustPalette()Gets a value indicating whether automatic adjust palette.
getBackgroundColor()Gets or sets a value for the background color.
getBitsPerPixel()Gets the image bits per pixel count.
getBounds()Gets the image bounds.
getBufferSizeHint()Gets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.
getContainer()Gets the Image container.
getDataStreamContainer()Gets the object’s data stream.
getDeeplyAdjustPalette_internalized()Gets the deeply adjust palette.
getDefaultArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)Gets the default 32-bit ARGB pixels array.
getDefaultOptions(Object[] args)Gets the default options.
getDefaultPixels(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader partialPixelLoader)Gets the default pixels array using partial pixel loader.
getDefaultRawData(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialRawDataLoader partialRawDataLoader, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)Gets the default raw data array using partial pixel loader.
getDefaultRawData(Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)Gets the default raw data array.
getDisposed()Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
getFileFormat()Gets a value of file format
getFileFormat(System.IO.Stream stream)Gets the file format.
getFileFormat(InputStream stream)Gets the file format.
getFileFormat(String filePath)Gets the file format.
getFittingRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, int width, int height)Gets rectangle which fits the current image.
getFittingRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels, int width, int height)Gets rectangle which fits the current image.
getFormatSpecificPalette_internalized()Gets palette from format-specific places
getHeight()Gets the image height.
getHorizontalResolution()Gets or sets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage .
getImageOpacity()Gets opacity of this image.
getInterruptMonitor()Gets the interrupt monitor.
getMemoryMgr_internalized()Gets the memory manager.
getModifyDate(boolean useDefault)Gets the date and time the resource image was last modified.
getModifyDate_internalized(boolean useDefault)
getOriginalOptions()Gets the options based on the original file settings.
getPaintableImage_internalized(ImageOptionsBase paintableOptions)Gets the paintable image.
getPalette()Gets the color palette.
getPixel(int x, int y)Gets an image pixel.
getPremultiplyComponents()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image components must be premultiplied.
getPrivateFontCache_internalized()Creates the private font cache.
getProgressEventHandler()Gets the progress event handler information.
getProgressEventHandlerInfo()Gets the progress event handler information.
getProportionalHeight(int width, int height, int newWidth)Gets a proportional height.
getProportionalWidth(int width, int height, int newHeight)Gets a proportional width.
getRawCustomColorConverter()Gets or sets the custom color converter
getRawDataFormat()Gets the raw data format.
getRawFallbackIndex()Gets or sets the fallback index to use when palette index is out of bounds
getRawIndexedColorConverter()Gets or sets the indexed color converter
getRawLineSize()Gets the raw line size in bytes.
getSize()Gets the image size.
getSkewAngle()Gets the skew angle.
getSourceImagePath_internalized()Gets the file path of source image if it’s exist.
getTransparentColor()Gets the image transparent color.
getUpdateXmpData()Gets or sets a value indicating whether to update the XMP metadata.
getUseMemoryStrategy_internalized()Gets a value indicating whether object uses memory optimization strategy
getUseRawData()Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use raw data loading when the raw data loading is available.
getUsedPalette_internalized()Gets the used palette.
getVentureLicense_internalized()Gets the venture license.
getVerticalResolution()Gets or sets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage .
getWidth()Gets the image width.
getXmpData()Gets or sets the XMP metadata.
grayscale()Transformation of an image to its grayscale representation
hasAlpha()Gets a value indicating whether this instance has alpha.
hasBackgroundColor()Gets a value indicating whether image has background color.
hasImageChanged_internalized()Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance of image has changed after loading.
hasTransparentColor()Gets a value indicating whether image has transparent color.
incrementProgressMaxValue_internalized(int value)Gets or sets the progress max value
indicateProgress_internalized(EventType eventType)Indicates the progress.
isCached()Gets a value indicating whether object’s data is cached currently and no data reading is required.
isRawDataAvailable()Gets a value indicating whether raw data loading is available.
isUsePalette()Gets a value indicating whether the image palette is used.
load(InputStream stream)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load(InputStream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load(RandomAccessFile file)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load(RandomAccessFile file, LoadOptions loadOptions)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load(String filePath)Loads a new image from the specified file.
load(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions)Loads a new image from the specified file.
loadArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)Loads 32-bit ARGB pixels.
loadArgb64Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)Loads 64-bit ARGB pixels.
loadCmyk32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)Loads pixels in CMYK format.
loadCmykPixels(Rectangle rectangle)Loads pixels in CMYK format.
loadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)
loadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)
loadPartialArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader partialPixelLoader)Loads 32-bit ARGB pixels partially by packs.
loadPartialPixels(Rectangle desiredRectangle, IPartialPixelLoader pixelLoader)Loads pixels partially by packs.
loadPixels(Rectangle rectangle)Loads pixels.
loadRawData(Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings, IPartialRawDataLoader rawDataLoader)Loads raw image data using the partial processing mechanism.
loadRawData(Rectangle rectangle, Rectangle destImageBounds, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings, IPartialRawDataLoader rawDataLoader)Loads raw data.
load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)
load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, long startPosition)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, long startPosition, LoadOptions loadOptions)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
normalizeAngle()Normalizes the angle.
normalizeAngle(boolean resizeProportionally, Color backgroundColor)Normalizes the angle.
onContainerSet_internalized()Invoke when container of this Image was set.
readArgb32ScanLine(int scanLineIndex)Reads the whole scan line by the specified scan line index.
readScanLine(int scanLineIndex)Reads the whole scan line by the specified scan line index.
replaceColor(Color oldColor, byte oldColorDiff, Color newColor)Replaces one color to another with allowed difference and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges.
replaceColor(int oldColorArgb, byte oldColorDiff, int newColorArgb)Replaces one color to another with allowed difference and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges.
replaceNonTransparentColors(Color newColor)Replaces all non-transparent colors with new color and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges.
replaceNonTransparentColors(int newColorArgb)Replaces all non-transparent colors with new color and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges.
resize(int newWidth, int newHeight)Resizes the image.
resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, ImageResizeSettings settings)Resizes the image with extended options.
resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, int resizeType)Resizes the image.
resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight)Resizes the height proportionally.
resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight, ImageResizeSettings settings)Resizes the height proportionally.
resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight, int resizeType)Resizes the height proportionally.
resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth)Resizes the width proportionally.
resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth, ImageResizeSettings settings)Resizes the width proportionally.
resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth, int resizeType)Resizes the width proportionally.
rotate(float angle)Rotate image around the center.
rotate(float angle, boolean resizeProportionally, Color backgroundColor)Rotate image around the center.
rotateFlip(int rotateFlipType)Rotates, flips, or rotates and flips the image.
save()Saves the image data to the underlying stream.
save(OutputStream stream)Saves the object’s data to the specified stream.
save(OutputStream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase)Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
save(OutputStream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
save(RandomAccessFile file)Saves the object’s data to the specified stream.
save(RandomAccessFile file, ImageOptionsBase options)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.
save(RandomAccessFile file, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
save(String filePath)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location.
save(String filePath, boolean overWrite)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location.
save(String filePath, ImageOptionsBase options)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.
save(String filePath, ImageOptionsBase options, Rectangle boundsRectangle)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.
saveArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels)Saves the 32-bit ARGB pixels.
saveCmyk32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels)Saves the pixels.
saveCmykPixels(Rectangle rectangle, CmykColor[] pixels)Saves the pixels.
savePixels(Rectangle rectangle, Color[] pixels)Saves the pixels.
saveRawData(byte[] data, int dataOffset, Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)Saves the raw data.
save_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)
save_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
setArgb32Pixel(int x, int y, int argb32Color)Sets an image 32-bit ARGB pixel for the specified position.
setAutoAdjustPalette(boolean value)Sets a value indicating whether automatic adjust palette.
setBackgroundColor(boolean value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether image has background color.
setBackgroundColor(Color value)Gets or sets a value for the background color.
setBufferSizeHint(int value)Sets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.
setContainer_internalized(Image container)Sets the Image container.
setDataLoaderDirectly_internalized(IRasterImageArgb32PixelLoader loader)Sets the data loader directly.
setDataStreamContainer(StreamContainer value)Sets the object’s data stream.
setFormatSpecificPalette_internalized(IColorPalette newPalette)Sets palette into format-specific places
setHorizontalResolution(double value)Gets or sets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage .
setIgnoreAfterSave_internalized(boolean value)Sets a value indicating whether [ignore after save].
setImageChanged_internalized(boolean value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance of image has changed after loading.
setInterruptMonitor(InterruptMonitor value)Sets the interrupt monitor.
setMemoryManager_internalized(MemMgr memoryManager, boolean needDispose)Sets the memory manager.
setPalette(IColorPalette value)Sets the color palette.
setPalette(IColorPalette palette, boolean updateColors)Sets the image palette.
setPixel(int x, int y, Color color)Sets an image pixel for the specified position.
setPremultiplyComponents(boolean value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image components must be premultiplied.
setRawCustomColorConverter(IColorConverter value)Gets or sets the custom color converter
setRawFallbackIndex(int value)Gets or sets the fallback index to use when palette index is out of bounds
setRawIndexedColorConverter(IIndexedColorConverter value)Gets or sets the indexed color converter
setResolution(double dpiX, double dpiY)Sets the resolution for this RasterImage .
setTransparentColor(boolean value)Gets a value indicating whether image has transparent color.
setTransparentColor(Color value)Gets the image transparent color.
setUpdateXmpData(boolean value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether to update the XMP metadata.
setUseRawData(boolean value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use raw data loading when the raw data loading is available.
setVentureLicense_internalized(Object ventureLicense)All Aspose products should implement this method.
setVerticalResolution(double value)Gets or sets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage .
setXmpData(XmpPacketWrapper value)Gets or sets the XMP metadata.
toBitmap()Converts raster image to the bitmap.
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
writeArgb32ScanLine(int scanLineIndex, int[] argb32Pixels)Writes the whole scan line to the specified scan line index.
writeScanLine(int scanLineIndex, Color[] pixels)Writes the whole scan line to the specified scan line index.


public static final Event<AfterCreate> OnCreate_internalized

Occurs when image was loaded


public static final Event<AfterLoad> OnLoad_internalized

Occurs when image was loaded by createFirstSupportedLoader


public static final Event<AfterSave> OnSave_internalized

Occurs when image was loaded or saved


public static final Event<AfterUseCredit> OnUseCredit_internalized

Occurs when credit was used

adjustBrightness(int brightness)

public void adjustBrightness(int brightness)

Adjust of a brightness for image.


brightnessintBrightness value.

adjustContrast(float contrast)

public void adjustContrast(float contrast)

Image contrasting


contrastfloatContrast value (in range [-100; 100])

adjustGamma(float gamma)

public void adjustGamma(float gamma)

Gamma-correction of an image.


gammafloatGamma for red, green and blue channels coefficient

adjustGamma(float gammaRed, float gammaGreen, float gammaBlue)

public void adjustGamma(float gammaRed, float gammaGreen, float gammaBlue)

Gamma-correction of an image.


gammaRedfloatGamma for red channel coefficient
gammaGreenfloatGamma for green channel coefficient
gammaBluefloatGamma for blue channel coefficient

binarizeBradley(double brightnessDifference)

public void binarizeBradley(double brightnessDifference)

Binarization of an image using Bradley’s adaptive thresholding algorithm using the integral image thresholding


brightnessDifferencedoubleThe brightness difference between pixel and the average of an s x s window of pixels centered around this pixel.

binarizeBradley(double brightnessDifference, int windowSize)

public void binarizeBradley(double brightnessDifference, int windowSize)

Binarization of an image using Bradley’s adaptive thresholding algorithm using the integral image thresholding


brightnessDifferencedoubleThe brightness difference between pixel and the average of an s x s window of pixels centered around this pixel.
windowSizeintThe size of s x s window of pixels centered around this pixel

binarizeFixed(byte threshold)

public void binarizeFixed(byte threshold)

Binarization of an image with predefined threshold


thresholdbyteThreshold value. If corresponding gray value of a pixel is greater than threshold, a value of 255 will be assigned to it, 0 otherwise.


public void binarizeOtsu()

Binarization of an image with Otsu thresholding


public abstract void cacheData()

Caches the data and ensures no additional data loading will be performed from the underlying DataStreamSupporter.DataStreamContainer .

canLoad(InputStream stream)

public static boolean canLoad(InputStream stream)

Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream.


streamjava.io.InputStreamThe stream to load from.

Returns: boolean - true if image can be loaded from the specified stream; otherwise, false .

canLoad(InputStream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)

public static boolean canLoad(InputStream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)

Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream and optionally using the specified loadOptions .


streamjava.io.InputStreamThe stream to load from.
loadOptionsLoadOptionsThe load options.

Returns: boolean - true if image can be loaded from the specified stream; otherwise, false .

canLoad(String filePath)

public static boolean canLoad(String filePath)

Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path.

Returns: boolean - true if image can be loaded from the specified file; otherwise, false .

canLoad(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions)

public static boolean canLoad(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions)

Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path and optionally using the specified open options.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path.
loadOptionsLoadOptionsThe load options.

Returns: boolean - true if image can be loaded from the specified file; otherwise, false .

canLoadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)

public static boolean canLoadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)



Returns: boolean

canLoadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)

public static boolean canLoadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)



Returns: boolean

canSave(ImageOptionsBase options)

public boolean canSave(ImageOptionsBase options)

Determines whether image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options.


optionsImageOptionsBaseThe save options to use.

Returns: boolean - true if image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options; otherwise, false .


public void close()

Implements the Closable interface and can be used in the try-with-resources statement since JDK 1.7. This method simply call dispose method.

convertToAps_internalized(ImageOptionsBase options, int mode, Rectangle clippingRectangle)

public ApsPage convertToAps_internalized(ImageOptionsBase options, int mode, Rectangle clippingRectangle)

Converts to aps.


optionsImageOptionsBaseThe options.
modeintThe mode.
clippingRectangleRectangleThe clipping rectangle.

Returns: com.aspose.foundation.rendering.ApsPage - The APS page.

create(ImageOptionsBase imageOptions, int width, int height)

public static Image create(ImageOptionsBase imageOptions, int width, int height)

Creates a new image using the specified create options.


imageOptionsImageOptionsBaseThe image options.
widthintThe width.
heightintThe height.

Returns: Image - The newly created image.

create(Image[] images)

public static Image create(Image[] images)

Creates a new image using the specified images as pages


imagesImage[]The images.

Returns: Image - The Image as IMultipageImage

create(Image[] images, boolean disposeImages)

public static Image create(Image[] images, boolean disposeImages)

Creates a new image the specified images as pages.


imagesImage[]The images.
disposeImagesbooleanif set to true [dispose images].

Returns: Image - The Image as IMultipageImage

crop(Rectangle rectangle)

public void crop(Rectangle rectangle)

Crops the specified rectangle.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle.

crop(int leftShift, int rightShift, int topShift, int bottomShift)

public void crop(int leftShift, int rightShift, int topShift, int bottomShift)

Crop image with shifts.


leftShiftintThe left shift.
rightShiftintThe right shift.
topShiftintThe top shift.
bottomShiftintThe bottom shift.


public final void dispose()

Disposes the current instance.

dither(int ditheringMethod, int bitsCount)

public void dither(int ditheringMethod, int bitsCount)

Performs dithering on the current image.


ditheringMethodintThe dithering method.
bitsCountintThe final bits count for dithering.

dither(int ditheringMethod, int bitsCount, IColorPalette customPalette)

public abstract void dither(int ditheringMethod, int bitsCount, IColorPalette customPalette)

Performs dithering on the current image.


ditheringMethodintThe dithering method.
bitsCountintThe final bits count for dithering.
customPaletteIColorPaletteThe custom palette for dithering.

doAfterSave_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)

public void doAfterSave_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)



equals(Object arg0)

public boolean equals(Object arg0)



Returns: boolean

filter(Rectangle rectangle, FilterOptionsBase options)

public void filter(Rectangle rectangle, FilterOptionsBase options)

Filters the specified rectangle.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle.
optionsFilterOptionsBaseThe options.

getArgb32Pixel(int x, int y)

public int getArgb32Pixel(int x, int y)

Gets an image 32-bit ARGB pixel.


xintThe pixel x location.
yintThe pixel y location.

Returns: int - The 32-bit ARGB pixel for the specified location.


public boolean getAutoAdjustPalette()

Gets a value indicating whether automatic adjust palette.

Returns: boolean - true if enable automatic adjust palette; otherwise, false .


public Color getBackgroundColor()

Gets or sets a value for the background color.

Returns: Color


public abstract int getBitsPerPixel()

Gets the image bits per pixel count.

Returns: int - The image bits per pixel count.


public Rectangle getBounds()

Gets the image bounds.

Returns: Rectangle - The image bounds.


public final int getBufferSizeHint()

Gets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.

Value: The buffer size hint, in megabytes. Non-positive value means no memory limitation for internal buffers

Returns: int - the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class


public Image getContainer()

Gets the Image container.

Value: The Image container.

If this property is not null it indicates the image is contained whithin another image.

Returns: Image


public StreamContainer getDataStreamContainer()

Gets the object’s data stream.

Returns: StreamContainer - The object’s data stream.


public boolean getDeeplyAdjustPalette_internalized()

Gets the deeply adjust palette.

Returns: boolean - The deeply adjust palette.

getDefaultArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)

public int[] getDefaultArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)

Gets the default 32-bit ARGB pixels array.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to get pixels for.

Returns: int[] - The default pixels array.

getDefaultOptions(Object[] args)

public ImageOptionsBase getDefaultOptions(Object[] args)

Gets the default options.


argsjava.lang.Object[]The arguments.

Returns: ImageOptionsBase - Default options

getDefaultPixels(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader partialPixelLoader)

public void getDefaultPixels(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader partialPixelLoader)

Gets the default pixels array using partial pixel loader.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to get pixels for.
partialPixelLoaderIPartialArgb32PixelLoaderThe partial pixel loader.

getDefaultRawData(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialRawDataLoader partialRawDataLoader, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)

public void getDefaultRawData(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialRawDataLoader partialRawDataLoader, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)

Gets the default raw data array using partial pixel loader.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to get pixels for.
partialRawDataLoaderIPartialRawDataLoaderThe partial raw data loader.
rawDataSettingsRawDataSettingsThe raw data settings.

getDefaultRawData(Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)

public byte[] getDefaultRawData(Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)

Gets the default raw data array.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to get raw data for.
rawDataSettingsRawDataSettingsThe raw data settings.

Returns: byte[] - The default raw data array.


public final boolean getDisposed()

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.

Returns: boolean - true if disposed; otherwise, false .


public long getFileFormat()

Gets a value of file format

Returns: long

getFileFormat(System.IO.Stream stream)

public static long getFileFormat(System.IO.Stream stream)

Gets the file format.


streamcom.aspose.ms.System.IO.StreamThe stream.

The file format determined does not mean that the specified image may be loaded. Use one of the CanLoad method overloads to determine whether stream may be loaded. |

Returns: long - The determined file format.

getFileFormat(InputStream stream)

public static long getFileFormat(InputStream stream)

Gets the file format.


streamjava.io.InputStreamThe stream.

The file format determined does not mean that the specified image may be loaded. Use one of the CanLoad method overloads to determine whether stream may be loaded. |

Returns: long - The determined file format.

getFileFormat(String filePath)

public static long getFileFormat(String filePath)

Gets the file format.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path.

The file format determined does not mean that the specified image may be loaded. Use one of the CanLoad method overloads to determine whether file may be loaded. |

Returns: long - The determined file format.

getFittingRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, int width, int height)

public static Rectangle getFittingRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, int width, int height)

Gets rectangle which fits the current image.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to get fitting rectangle for.
widthintThe object width.
heightintThe object height.

Returns: Rectangle - The fitting rectangle or exception if no fitting rectangle can be found.

getFittingRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels, int width, int height)

public static Rectangle getFittingRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels, int width, int height)

Gets rectangle which fits the current image.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to get fitting rectangle for.
pixelsint[]The 32-bit ARGB pixels.
widthintThe object width.
heightintThe object height.

Returns: Rectangle - The fitting rectangle or exception if no fitting rectangle can be found.


public IColorPalette getFormatSpecificPalette_internalized()

Gets palette from format-specific places

Returns: IColorPalette - Format-specific IColorPalette .


public abstract int getHeight()

Gets the image height.

Returns: int - The image height.


public double getHorizontalResolution()

Gets or sets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage .

Returns: double - The horizontal resolution.

Note by default this value is always 96 since different platforms cannot return the screen resolution. You may consider using the SetResolution method for updating both resolution values in single call.


public float getImageOpacity()

Gets opacity of this image.

Returns: float - The opacity value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).


public InterruptMonitor getInterruptMonitor()

Gets the interrupt monitor.

Returns: InterruptMonitor - the interrupt monitor.


public MemMgr getMemoryMgr_internalized()

Gets the memory manager.

Value: The memory manager.

Returns: com.aspose.internal.memorymanagement.MemMgr - the memory manager.

getModifyDate(boolean useDefault)

public Date getModifyDate(boolean useDefault)

Gets the date and time the resource image was last modified.


useDefaultbooleanif set to true uses the information from FileInfo as default value.

Returns: java.util.Date - The date and time the resource image was last modified.

getModifyDate_internalized(boolean useDefault)

public System.DateTime getModifyDate_internalized(boolean useDefault)



Returns: com.aspose.ms.System.DateTime


public ImageOptionsBase getOriginalOptions()

Gets the options based on the original file settings. This can be helpful to keep bit-depth and other parameters of the original image unchanged. For example, if we load a black-white PNG image with 1 bit per pixel and then save it using the DataStreamSupporter.Save(string) method, the output PNG image with 8-bit per pixel will be produced. To avoid it and save PNG image with 1-bit per pixel, use this method to get corresponding saving options and pass them to the Image.Save(string, ImageOptionsBase) method as the second parameter.

Returns: ImageOptionsBase - The options based on the original file settings.

getPaintableImage_internalized(ImageOptionsBase paintableOptions)

public Image getPaintableImage_internalized(ImageOptionsBase paintableOptions)

Gets the paintable image.



Returns: Image - the paintable image.


public IColorPalette getPalette()

Gets the color palette. The color palette is not used when pixels are represented directly.

Returns: IColorPalette - The color palette.

getPixel(int x, int y)

public Color getPixel(int x, int y)

Gets an image pixel.


xintThe pixel x location.
yintThe pixel y location.

Returns: Color - The pixel color for the specified location.


public boolean getPremultiplyComponents()

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image components must be premultiplied.

Returns: boolean - true if the image components must be premultiplied; otherwise, false .


public final PalPrivateFontCache getPrivateFontCache_internalized()

Creates the private font cache.

Returns: com.aspose.foundation.pal.PalPrivateFontCache - The private font cache.


public final ProgressEventHandler getProgressEventHandler()

Gets the progress event handler information.

Returns: ProgressEventHandler - the progress event handler information.


public final ProgressEventHandlerInfo getProgressEventHandlerInfo()

Gets the progress event handler information.

Value: The progress event handler information.

Returns: ProgressEventHandlerInfo - the progress event handler information.

getProportionalHeight(int width, int height, int newWidth)

public static int getProportionalHeight(int width, int height, int newWidth)

Gets a proportional height.


widthintThe width.
heightintThe height.
newWidthintThe new width.

Returns: int - The proportional height.

getProportionalWidth(int width, int height, int newHeight)

public static int getProportionalWidth(int width, int height, int newHeight)

Gets a proportional width.


widthintThe width.
heightintThe height.
newHeightintThe new height.

Returns: int - The proportional width.


public IColorConverter getRawCustomColorConverter()

Gets or sets the custom color converter

Returns: IColorConverter - The custom color converter


public PixelDataFormat getRawDataFormat()

Gets the raw data format.

Returns: PixelDataFormat - The raw data format.


public RawDataSettings getRawDataSettings()

Gets the current raw data settings. Note when using these settings the data loads without conversion.

Returns: RawDataSettings


public int getRawFallbackIndex()

Gets or sets the fallback index to use when palette index is out of bounds

Returns: int - The fallback index to use when palette index is out of bounds


public IIndexedColorConverter getRawIndexedColorConverter()

Gets or sets the indexed color converter

Returns: IIndexedColorConverter - The indexed color converter


public int getRawLineSize()

Gets the raw line size in bytes.

Returns: int - The raw line size in bytes.


public Size getSize()

Gets the image size.

Returns: Size - The image size.


public final float getSkewAngle()

Gets the skew angle. This method is applicable to scanned text documents, to determine the skew angle when scanning.

Returns: float - The skew angle, in degrees.


public String getSourceImagePath_internalized()

Gets the file path of source image if it’s exist. Returns an empty string if can’t find the source path.

Returns: java.lang.String - The file path of source image.


public Color getTransparentColor()

Gets the image transparent color.

Returns: Color


public boolean getUpdateXmpData()

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to update the XMP metadata.

Returns: boolean - true if update the XMP metadata; otherwise, false .


public boolean getUseMemoryStrategy_internalized()

Gets a value indicating whether object uses memory optimization strategy

Value: true if object uses memory optimization strategy; otherwise, false .

Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether object uses memory optimization strategy


public boolean getUseRawData()

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use raw data loading when the raw data loading is available.

Returns: boolean - true if use raw data loading when the raw data loading is available.; otherwise, false .


public final IColorPalette getUsedPalette_internalized()

Gets the used palette.

Returns: IColorPalette - the used palette.


public Object getVentureLicense_internalized()

Gets the venture license.

Returns: java.lang.Object - Teh venture license as object.


public double getVerticalResolution()

Gets or sets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage .

Returns: double - The vertical resolution.

Note by default this value is always 96 since different platforms cannot return the screen resolution. You may consider using the SetResolution method for updating both resolution values in single call.


public abstract int getWidth()

Gets the image width.

Returns: int - The image width.


public XmpPacketWrapper getXmpData()

Gets or sets the XMP metadata.

Returns: XmpPacketWrapper - The XMP metadata.


public void grayscale()

Transformation of an image to its grayscale representation


public boolean hasAlpha()

Gets a value indicating whether this instance has alpha.

Returns: boolean - true if this instance has alpha; otherwise, false .


public boolean hasBackgroundColor()

Gets a value indicating whether image has background color.

Returns: boolean


public boolean hasImageChanged_internalized()

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance of image has changed after loading.

Returns: boolean - true if this instance has image changed; otherwise, false .


public boolean hasTransparentColor()

Gets a value indicating whether image has transparent color.

Returns: boolean


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int

incrementProgressMaxValue_internalized(int value)

public final void incrementProgressMaxValue_internalized(int value)

Gets or sets the progress max value

Value: The progress max value



indicateProgress_internalized(EventType eventType)

public final void indicateProgress_internalized(EventType eventType)

Indicates the progress.




public abstract boolean isCached()

Gets a value indicating whether object’s data is cached currently and no data reading is required.

Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether object’s data is cached currently and no data reading is required.


public boolean isRawDataAvailable()

Gets a value indicating whether raw data loading is available.

Returns: boolean - true if this raw data loading is available; otherwise, false .


public boolean isUsePalette()

Gets a value indicating whether the image palette is used.

Value: true if the palette is used in the image; otherwise, false .

Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether the image palette is used.

load(InputStream stream)

public static Image load(InputStream stream)

Loads a new image from the specified stream.


streamjava.io.InputStreamThe stream to load image from.

Returns: Image - The loaded image.

load(InputStream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)

public static Image load(InputStream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)

Loads a new image from the specified stream.


streamjava.io.InputStreamThe stream to load image from.
loadOptionsLoadOptionsThe load options.

Returns: Image - The loaded image.

load(RandomAccessFile file)

public static Image load(RandomAccessFile file)

Loads a new image from the specified stream.


filejava.io.RandomAccessFileThe file to load image from.

Returns: Image - The loaded image.

load(RandomAccessFile file, LoadOptions loadOptions)

public static Image load(RandomAccessFile file, LoadOptions loadOptions)

Loads a new image from the specified stream.


filejava.io.RandomAccessFileThe file to load image from.
loadOptionsLoadOptionsThe load options.

Returns: Image - The loaded image.

load(String filePath)

public static Image load(String filePath)

Loads a new image from the specified file.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path to load image from.

Returns: Image - The loaded image.

load(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions)

public static Image load(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions)

Loads a new image from the specified file.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path to load image from.
loadOptionsLoadOptionsThe load options.

Returns: Image - The loaded image.

loadArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)

public int[] loadArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)

Loads 32-bit ARGB pixels.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to load pixels from.

Returns: int[] - The loaded 32-bit ARGB pixels array.

loadArgb64Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)

public long[] loadArgb64Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)

Loads 64-bit ARGB pixels.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to load pixels from.

Returns: long[] - The loaded 64-bit ARGB pixels array.

loadCmyk32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)

public int[] loadCmyk32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle)

Loads pixels in CMYK format.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to load pixels from.

Returns: int[] - The loaded CMYK pixels presentes as 32-bit inateger values.

loadCmykPixels(Rectangle rectangle)

public CmykColor[] loadCmykPixels(Rectangle rectangle)

Loads pixels in CMYK format. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective the loadCmyk32Pixels(Rectangle) method.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to load pixels from.

Returns: com.aspose.psd.CmykColor[] - The loaded CMYK pixels array.

loadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)

public static Image loadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)



Returns: Image

loadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)

public static Image loadInternal_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)



Returns: Image

loadPartialArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader partialPixelLoader)

public void loadPartialArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader partialPixelLoader)

Loads 32-bit ARGB pixels partially by packs.


rectangleRectangleThe desired rectangle.
partialPixelLoaderIPartialArgb32PixelLoaderThe 32-bit ARGB pixel loader.

loadPartialPixels(Rectangle desiredRectangle, IPartialPixelLoader pixelLoader)

public void loadPartialPixels(Rectangle desiredRectangle, IPartialPixelLoader pixelLoader)

Loads pixels partially by packs.


desiredRectangleRectangleThe desired rectangle.
pixelLoaderIPartialPixelLoaderThe pixel loader.

loadPixels(Rectangle rectangle)

public Color[] loadPixels(Rectangle rectangle)

Loads pixels.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to load pixels from.

Returns: com.aspose.psd.Color[] - The loaded pixels array.

loadRawData(Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings, IPartialRawDataLoader rawDataLoader)

public void loadRawData(Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings, IPartialRawDataLoader rawDataLoader)

Loads raw image data using the partial processing mechanism.


rectangleRectangleThe desired rectangular area of the image to load data from.
rawDataSettingsRawDataSettingsThe raw data settings.
rawDataLoaderIPartialRawDataLoaderThe raw data loader.

loadRawData(Rectangle rectangle, Rectangle destImageBounds, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings, IPartialRawDataLoader rawDataLoader)

public void loadRawData(Rectangle rectangle, Rectangle destImageBounds, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings, IPartialRawDataLoader rawDataLoader)

Loads raw data.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to load raw data from.
destImageBoundsRectangleThe dest image bounds.
rawDataSettingsRawDataSettingsThe raw data settings to use for loaded data. Note if data is not in the format specified then data conversion will be performed.
rawDataLoaderIPartialRawDataLoaderThe raw data loader.

load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)

public static Image load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)



Returns: Image

load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, long startPosition)

public static Image load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, long startPosition)

Loads a new image from the specified stream.


streamcom.aspose.ms.System.IO.StreamThe stream to load image from.
startPositionlongThe start position to load image from.

Returns: Image - The loaded image.

load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, long startPosition, LoadOptions loadOptions)

public static Image load_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, long startPosition, LoadOptions loadOptions)

Loads a new image from the specified stream.


streamcom.aspose.ms.System.IO.StreamThe stream to load image from.
startPositionlongThe start position to load image from.
loadOptionsLoadOptionsThe load options.

Returns: Image - The loaded image.


public final void normalizeAngle()

Normalizes the angle. This method is applicable to scanned text documents to get rid of the skewed scan. This method uses .getSkewAngle and .rotate(float) methods.

normalizeAngle(boolean resizeProportionally, Color backgroundColor)

public void normalizeAngle(boolean resizeProportionally, Color backgroundColor)

Normalizes the angle. This method is applicable to scanned text documents to get rid of the skewed scan. This method uses .getSkewAngle and .rotate(float, boolean, Color) methods.


resizeProportionallybooleanif set to true you will have your image size changed according to rotated rectangle (corner points) projections in other case that leaves dimensions untouched and only internal image contents are rotated.
backgroundColorColorColor of the background.


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()


public void onContainerSet_internalized()

Invoke when container of this Image was set.

readArgb32ScanLine(int scanLineIndex)

public int[] readArgb32ScanLine(int scanLineIndex)

Reads the whole scan line by the specified scan line index.


scanLineIndexintZero based index of the scan line.

Returns: int[] - The scan line 32-bit ARGB color values array.

readScanLine(int scanLineIndex)

public Color[] readScanLine(int scanLineIndex)

Reads the whole scan line by the specified scan line index.


scanLineIndexintZero based index of the scan line.

Returns: com.aspose.psd.Color[] - The scan line pixel color values array.

replaceColor(Color oldColor, byte oldColorDiff, Color newColor)

public void replaceColor(Color oldColor, byte oldColorDiff, Color newColor)

Replaces one color to another with allowed difference and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges.


oldColorColorOld color to be replaced.
oldColorDiffbyteAllowed difference in old color to be able to widen replaced color tone.
newColorColorNew color to replace old color with.

replaceColor(int oldColorArgb, byte oldColorDiff, int newColorArgb)

public void replaceColor(int oldColorArgb, byte oldColorDiff, int newColorArgb)

Replaces one color to another with allowed difference and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges.


oldColorArgbintOld color ARGB value to be replaced.
oldColorDiffbyteAllowed difference in old color to be able to widen replaced color tone.
newColorArgbintNew color ARGB value to replace old color with.

replaceNonTransparentColors(Color newColor)

public void replaceNonTransparentColors(Color newColor)

Replaces all non-transparent colors with new color and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges. Note: if you use it on images without transparency, all colors will be replaced with a single one.


newColorColorNew color to replace non transparent colors with.

replaceNonTransparentColors(int newColorArgb)

public void replaceNonTransparentColors(int newColorArgb)

Replaces all non-transparent colors with new color and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges. Note: if you use it on images without transparency, all colors will be replaced with a single one.


newColorArgbintNew color ARGB value to replace non transparent colors with.

resize(int newWidth, int newHeight)

public void resize(int newWidth, int newHeight)

Resizes the image. The default ResizeType.LeftTopToLeftTop is used.


newWidthintThe new width.
newHeightintThe new height.

resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, ImageResizeSettings settings)

public void resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, ImageResizeSettings settings)

Resizes the image with extended options.


newWidthintThe new width.
newHeightintThe new height.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe resize settings.

resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, int resizeType)

public void resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, int resizeType)

Resizes the image.


newWidthintThe new width.
newHeightintThe new height.
resizeTypeintThe resize type.

resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight)

public void resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight)

Resizes the height proportionally.


newHeightintThe new height.

resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight, ImageResizeSettings settings)

public void resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight, ImageResizeSettings settings)

Resizes the height proportionally.


newHeightintThe new height.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe image resize settings.

resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight, int resizeType)

public void resizeHeightProportionally(int newHeight, int resizeType)

Resizes the height proportionally.


newHeightintThe new height.
resizeTypeintType of the resize.

resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth)

public void resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth)

Resizes the width proportionally.


newWidthintThe new width.

resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth, ImageResizeSettings settings)

public void resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth, ImageResizeSettings settings)

Resizes the width proportionally.


newWidthintThe new width.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe image resize settings.

resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth, int resizeType)

public void resizeWidthProportionally(int newWidth, int resizeType)

Resizes the width proportionally.


newWidthintThe new width.
resizeTypeintType of the resize.

rotate(float angle)

public void rotate(float angle)

Rotate image around the center.


anglefloatThe rotate angle in degrees. Positive values will rotate clockwise.

rotate(float angle, boolean resizeProportionally, Color backgroundColor)

public void rotate(float angle, boolean resizeProportionally, Color backgroundColor)

Rotate image around the center.


anglefloatThe rotate angle in degrees. Positive values will rotate clockwise.
resizeProportionallybooleanif set to true you will have your image size changed according to rotated rectangle (corner points) projections in other case that leaves dimensions untouched and only internal image contents are rotated.
backgroundColorColorColor of the background.

rotateFlip(int rotateFlipType)

public abstract void rotateFlip(int rotateFlipType)

Rotates, flips, or rotates and flips the image.


rotateFlipTypeintType of the rotate flip.


public final void save()

Saves the image data to the underlying stream.

save(OutputStream stream)

public void save(OutputStream stream)

Saves the object’s data to the specified stream.


streamjava.io.OutputStreamThe stream to save the object’s data to.

save(OutputStream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase)

public void save(OutputStream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase)

Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.


streamjava.io.OutputStreamThe stream to save the image’s data to.
optionsBaseImageOptionsBaseThe save options.

save(OutputStream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)

public void save(OutputStream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)

Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.


streamjava.io.OutputStreamThe stream to save the image’s data to.
optionsBaseImageOptionsBaseThe save options.
boundsRectangleRectangleThe destination image bounds rectangle. Set the empty rectangle for use source bounds.

save(RandomAccessFile file)

public void save(RandomAccessFile file)

Saves the object’s data to the specified stream.


filejava.io.RandomAccessFileThe stream to save the object’s data to.

save(RandomAccessFile file, ImageOptionsBase options)

public void save(RandomAccessFile file, ImageOptionsBase options)

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.


filejava.io.RandomAccessFileThe file to save the image’s data to.
optionsImageOptionsBaseThe options.

save(RandomAccessFile file, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)

public void save(RandomAccessFile file, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)

Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.


filejava.io.RandomAccessFileThe file to save the image’s data to.
optionsBaseImageOptionsBaseThe save options.
boundsRectangleRectangleThe destination image bounds rectangle. Set the empty rectangle for use sourse bounds.

save(String filePath)

public void save(String filePath)

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path to save the object’s data to.

save(String filePath, boolean overWrite)

public void save(String filePath, boolean overWrite)

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path to save the object’s data to.
overWritebooleanif set to true over write the file contents, otherwise append will occur.

save(String filePath, ImageOptionsBase options)

public void save(String filePath, ImageOptionsBase options)

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path.
optionsImageOptionsBaseThe options.

save(String filePath, ImageOptionsBase options, Rectangle boundsRectangle)

public void save(String filePath, ImageOptionsBase options, Rectangle boundsRectangle)

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.


filePathjava.lang.StringThe file path.
optionsImageOptionsBaseThe options.
boundsRectangleRectangleThe destination image bounds rectangle. Set the empty rectangle for use sourse bounds.

saveArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels)

public void saveArgb32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels)

Saves the 32-bit ARGB pixels.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to save pixels to.
pixelsint[]The 32-bit ARGB pixels array.

saveCmyk32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels)

public void saveCmyk32Pixels(Rectangle rectangle, int[] pixels)

Saves the pixels.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to save pixels to.
pixelsint[]The CMYK pixels presented as the 32-bit integer values.

saveCmykPixels(Rectangle rectangle, CmykColor[] pixels)

public void saveCmykPixels(Rectangle rectangle, CmykColor[] pixels)

Saves the pixels. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective the saveCmyk32Pixels(Rectangle, int[]) method.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to save pixels to.
pixelsCmykColor[]The CMYK pixels array.

savePixels(Rectangle rectangle, Color[] pixels)

public void savePixels(Rectangle rectangle, Color[] pixels)

Saves the pixels.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to save pixels to.
pixelsColor[]The pixels array.

saveRawData(byte[] data, int dataOffset, Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)

public void saveRawData(byte[] data, int dataOffset, Rectangle rectangle, RawDataSettings rawDataSettings)

Saves the raw data.


databyte[]The raw data.
dataOffsetintThe starting raw data offset.
rectangleRectangleThe raw data rectangle.
rawDataSettingsRawDataSettingsThe raw data settings the data is in.

save_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)

public void save_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream)



save_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)

public void save_internalized(System.IO.Stream stream, ImageOptionsBase optionsBase, Rectangle boundsRectangle)

Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.


streamcom.aspose.ms.System.IO.StreamThe stream to save the image’s data to.
optionsBaseImageOptionsBaseThe save options.
boundsRectangleRectangleThe destination image bounds rectangle. Set the empty rectangle for use source bounds.

setArgb32Pixel(int x, int y, int argb32Color)

public void setArgb32Pixel(int x, int y, int argb32Color)

Sets an image 32-bit ARGB pixel for the specified position.


xintThe pixel x location.
yintThe pixel y location.
argb32ColorintThe 32-bit ARGB pixel for the specified position.

setAutoAdjustPalette(boolean value)

public void setAutoAdjustPalette(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether automatic adjust palette.


valuebooleantrue if enable automatic adjust palette; otherwise, false .

setBackgroundColor(boolean value)

public void setBackgroundColor(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether image has background color.



setBackgroundColor(Color value)

public void setBackgroundColor(Color value)

Gets or sets a value for the background color.



setBufferSizeHint(int value)

public final void setBufferSizeHint(int value)

Sets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.

Value: The buffer size hint, in megabytes. Non-positive value means no memory limitation for internal buffers


valueintthe buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.

setContainer_internalized(Image container)

public void setContainer_internalized(Image container)

Sets the Image container.


containerImageThe Image container.

setDataLoaderDirectly_internalized(IRasterImageArgb32PixelLoader loader)

public void setDataLoaderDirectly_internalized(IRasterImageArgb32PixelLoader loader)

Sets the data loader directly.


loaderIRasterImageArgb32PixelLoaderThe data loader.

setDataStreamContainer(StreamContainer value)

public void setDataStreamContainer(StreamContainer value)

Sets the object’s data stream.


valueStreamContainerThe object’s data stream.

setFormatSpecificPalette_internalized(IColorPalette newPalette)

public boolean setFormatSpecificPalette_internalized(IColorPalette newPalette)

Sets palette into format-specific places


newPaletteIColorPaletteNew 32-bit ARGB palette.

Returns: boolean

setHorizontalResolution(double value)

public void setHorizontalResolution(double value)

Gets or sets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage .


valuedoubleThe horizontal resolution.

Note by default this value is always 96 since different platforms cannot return the screen resolution. You may consider using the SetResolution method for updating both resolution values in single call. |

setIgnoreAfterSave_internalized(boolean value)

public void setIgnoreAfterSave_internalized(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether [ignore after save].


valuebooleantrue if [ignore after save]; otherwise, false .

setImageChanged_internalized(boolean value)

public void setImageChanged_internalized(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance of image has changed after loading.


valuebooleantrue if this instance has image changed; otherwise, false .

setInterruptMonitor(InterruptMonitor value)

public void setInterruptMonitor(InterruptMonitor value)

Sets the interrupt monitor.


valueInterruptMonitorthe interrupt monitor.

setMemoryManager_internalized(MemMgr memoryManager, boolean needDispose)

public void setMemoryManager_internalized(MemMgr memoryManager, boolean needDispose)

Sets the memory manager.


memoryManagercom.aspose.internal.memorymanagement.MemMgrThe memory manager.
needDisposebooleanif set to true [need dispose].

setPalette(IColorPalette value)

public void setPalette(IColorPalette value)

Sets the color palette. The color palette is not used when pixels are represented directly.


valueIColorPaletteThe color palette.

setPalette(IColorPalette palette, boolean updateColors)

public void setPalette(IColorPalette palette, boolean updateColors)

Sets the image palette.


paletteIColorPaletteThe palette to set.
updateColorsbooleanif set to true colors will be updated according to the new palette; otherwise color indexes remain unchanged. Note that unchanged indexes may crash the image on loading if some indexes have no corresponding palette entries.

setPixel(int x, int y, Color color)

public void setPixel(int x, int y, Color color)

Sets an image pixel for the specified position.


xintThe pixel x location.
yintThe pixel y location.
colorColorThe pixel color for the specified position.

setPremultiplyComponents(boolean value)

public void setPremultiplyComponents(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image components must be premultiplied.


valuebooleantrue if the image components must be premultiplied; otherwise, false .

setRawCustomColorConverter(IColorConverter value)

public void setRawCustomColorConverter(IColorConverter value)

Gets or sets the custom color converter


valueIColorConverterThe custom color converter

setRawFallbackIndex(int value)

public void setRawFallbackIndex(int value)

Gets or sets the fallback index to use when palette index is out of bounds


valueintThe fallback index to use when palette index is out of bounds

setRawIndexedColorConverter(IIndexedColorConverter value)

public void setRawIndexedColorConverter(IIndexedColorConverter value)

Gets or sets the indexed color converter


valueIIndexedColorConverterThe indexed color converter

setResolution(double dpiX, double dpiY)

public void setResolution(double dpiX, double dpiY)

Sets the resolution for this RasterImage .


dpiXdoubleThe horizontal resolution, in dots per inch, of the RasterImage .
dpiYdoubleThe vertical resolution, in dots per inch, of the RasterImage .

setTransparentColor(boolean value)

public void setTransparentColor(boolean value)

Gets a value indicating whether image has transparent color.



setTransparentColor(Color value)

public void setTransparentColor(Color value)

Gets the image transparent color.



setUpdateXmpData(boolean value)

public void setUpdateXmpData(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to update the XMP metadata.


valuebooleantrue if update the XMP metadata; otherwise, false .

setUseRawData(boolean value)

public void setUseRawData(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use raw data loading when the raw data loading is available.


valuebooleantrue if use raw data loading when the raw data loading is available.; otherwise, false .

setVentureLicense_internalized(Object ventureLicense)

public void setVentureLicense_internalized(Object ventureLicense)

All Aspose products should implement this method. It is called by a GroupDocs product to indicate whether GroupDocs itself is licensed or not and specify a custom watermark. When GroupDocs is licensed, this document instance should behave as licensed too even if the Aspose product is not licensed.



setVerticalResolution(double value)

public void setVerticalResolution(double value)

Gets or sets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage .


valuedoubleThe vertical resolution.

Note by default this value is always 96 since different platforms cannot return the screen resolution. You may consider using the SetResolution method for updating both resolution values in single call. |

setXmpData(XmpPacketWrapper value)

public void setXmpData(XmpPacketWrapper value)

Gets or sets the XMP metadata.


valueXmpPacketWrapperThe XMP metadata.


public BufferedImage toBitmap()

Converts raster image to the bitmap.

Returns: java.awt.image.BufferedImage - The bitmap


public System.Drawing.Bitmap toBitmap_internalized()

Returns: com.aspose.ms.System.Drawing.Bitmap


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final void wait(long arg0)



wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)



writeArgb32ScanLine(int scanLineIndex, int[] argb32Pixels)

public void writeArgb32ScanLine(int scanLineIndex, int[] argb32Pixels)

Writes the whole scan line to the specified scan line index.


scanLineIndexintZero based index of the scan line.
argb32Pixelsint[]The 32-bit ARGB colors array to write.

writeScanLine(int scanLineIndex, Color[] pixels)

public void writeScanLine(int scanLineIndex, Color[] pixels)

Writes the whole scan line to the specified scan line index.


scanLineIndexintZero based index of the scan line.
pixelsColor[]The pixel colors array to write.