]ITextFrame::SplitTextByColumns() method
Splits the text content of the ITextFrame into an array of strings,
where each element corresponds to a separate text column within the frame.
virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Slides::ITextFrame::SplitTextByColumns()=0
Return Value
An array of strings, where each string represents the text content of a specific column
in the ITextFrame.
If the text frame does not contain multiple columns, the returned array will have a single element
containing the full text.
Empty columns will be represented as empty strings in the array.
The following example demonstrates how to use ITextFrame::SplitTextByColumns:
System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"example.pptx");
// Get the first shape on the slide and cast it to ITextFrame
System::SharedPtr<ITextFrame> textFrame = System::AsCast<ITextFrame>(pres->get_Slide(0)->get_Shape(0));
// Split the text frame content into columns
System::ArrayPtr<System::String> columnsText = textFrame->SplitTextByColumns();
// Print each column's text to the console
for (System::String column : columnsText)
See Also
- Typedef ArrayPtr
- Class String
- Class ITextFrame
- Namespace Aspose::Slides
- Library Aspose.Slides