
NumberedBulletStyle enum

Represents the style of the numbered bullets.

enum class NumberedBulletStyle : int8_t


NotDefined-1Not defined.
BulletAlphaLCPeriod0Lowercase alphabetical characters with a period. Sample: a., b., c., …
BulletAlphaUCPeriod1Uppercase alphabetical characters with a period. Sample: A., B., C., …
BulletArabicParenRight2Arabic numerals with closing parenthesis. Sample: 1), 2), 3), …
BulletArabicPeriod3Arabic numerals with a period. Sample: 1., 2., 3., …
BulletRomanLCParenBoth4Lowercase Roman numerals with both parentheses. Sample: (i), (ii), (iii), …
BulletRomanLCParenRight5Lowercase Roman numerals with closing parenthesis. Sample: i), ii), iii), …
BulletRomanLCPeriod6Lowercase Roman numerals with period. Sample: i., ii., iii., …
BulletRomanUCPeriod7Uppercase Roman numerals with period. Sample: I., II., III., …
BulletAlphaLCParenBoth8Lowercase alphabetical characters with both parentheses. Sample: (a), (b), (c), …
BulletAlphaLCParenRight9Lowercase alphabetical characters with closing parenthesis. Sample: a), b), c), …
BulletAlphaUCParenBoth10Uppercase alphabetical characters with both parentheses. Sample: (A), (B), (C), …
BulletAlphaUCParenRight11Uppercase alphabetical characters with closing parenthesis. Sample: A), B), C), …
BulletArabicParenBoth12Arabic numerals with both parentheses. Sample: (1), (2), (3), …
BulletArabicPlain13Arabic numerals. Sample: 1, 2, 3, …
BulletRomanUCParenBoth14Uppercase Roman numerals with both parentheses. Sample: (I), (II), (III), …
BulletRomanUCParenRight15Uppercase Roman numerals with closing parenthesis. Sample: I), II), III), …
BulletSimpChinPlain16Simplified Chinese without a period.
BulletSimpChinPeriod17Simplified Chinese with a period.
BulletCircleNumDBPlain18Double-byte circled number for values up to 10, from 11 - arabic numbers.
BulletCircleNumWDWhitePlain19Text colored number with same color circle drawn around it (Wingdings white circle numbers). From 11 - arabic numbers.
BulletCircleNumWDBlackPlain20Shadow color number with circular background of normal text color (Wingdings black circle numbers).
BulletTradChinPlain21Traditional Chinese without a period.
BulletTradChinPeriod22Traditional Chinese with a period.
BulletArabicAlphaDash23Arabic language alphabetical characters with a dash.
BulletArabicAbjadDash24Arabic Abjad alphabets with a dash.
BulletHebrewAlphaDash25Hebrew language alphabetical characters with a dash.
BulletKanjiKoreanPlain26Japanese/Korean numbers without a period.
BulletKanjiKoreanPeriod27Japanese/Korean numbers with a period.
BulletArabicDBPlain28Double-byte Arabic numbering scheme (no punctuation).
BulletArabicDBPeriod29Double-byte Arabic numbering scheme with double-byte period.
BulletThaiAlphaPeriod30Thai alphabet period.
BulletThaiAlphaParenRight31Thai alphabet parentheses - right.
BulletThaiAlphaParenBoth32Thai alphabet parentheses - both.
BulletThaiNumPeriod33Thai numerical period.
BulletThaiNumParenRight34Thai numerical parentheses - right.
BulletThaiNumParenBoth35Thai numerical parentheses - both.
BulletHindiAlphaPeriod36Hindi alphabet period - vowels.
BulletHindiNumPeriod37Hindi numerical period.
BulletKanjiSimpChinDBPeriod38Kanji Simple Chinese DBPeriod.
BulletHindiNumParenRight39Hindi numerical parentheses - right.
BulletHindiAlpha1Period40Hindi alphabet period - consonants.

See Also