
ShapeCollection::AddZoomFrame(float, float, float, float, System::SharedPtr<ISlide>) method

Adds a new Zoom object to the end of a collection.

System::SharedPtr<IZoomFrame> Aspose::Slides::ShapeCollection::AddZoomFrame(float x, float y, float width, float height, System::SharedPtr<ISlide> slide) override


xfloatX coordinate of a new Zoom frame float.
yfloatY coordinate of a new Zoom frame float.
widthfloatWidth of a new Zoom frame float.
heightfloatHeight of a new Zoom frame float.
slideSystem::SharedPtr<ISlide>The slide object referenced by the Zoom frame ISlide.

Return Value

Created Zoom object IZoomFrame.


This example demonstrates adding a Zoom object to the end of a collection (assume that there are at least two slides in the "Presentation.pptx" presentation):

System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"Presentation.pptx");

System::SharedPtr<IZoomFrame> zoomFrame = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->AddZoomFrame(150.0f, 20.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f, pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(1));

ShapeCollection::AddZoomFrame(float, float, float, float, System::SharedPtr<ISlide>, System::SharedPtr<IPPImage>) method

Adds a new Zoom object to the end of a collection.

System::SharedPtr<IZoomFrame> Aspose::Slides::ShapeCollection::AddZoomFrame(float x, float y, float width, float height, System::SharedPtr<ISlide> slide, System::SharedPtr<IPPImage> image) override


xfloatX coordinate of a new Zoom frame float.
yfloatY coordinate of a new Zoom frame float.
widthfloatWidth of a new Zoom frame float.
heightfloatHeight of a new Zoom frame float.
slideSystem::SharedPtr<ISlide>The slide object referenced by the Zoom frame ISlide.
imageSystem::SharedPtr<IPPImage>The image for the referenced slide IPPImage

Return Value

Created Zoom object IZoomFrame.


This example demonstrates adding a Zoom object to the end of a collection (assume that there are at least two slides in the "Presentation.pptx" presentation):

System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"Presentation.pptx");

System::SharedPtr<IPPImage> image = pres->get_Images()->AddImage(System::Drawing::Image::FromFile(u"image.png"));
System::SharedPtr<IZoomFrame> zoomFrame = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->AddZoomFrame(150.0f, 20.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f, pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(1), image);

See Also