
IEffect.DelayBetweenTextParts property

Defines a delay between animated text parts (words or letters). A positive value specifies the percentage of effect duration. A negative value specifies the delay in seconds. Read/write Single.

public float DelayBetweenTextParts { get; set; }


using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("demo.pptx"))
    // Get the first effect of the first slide.
    IEffect firstSlideEffect = presentation.Slides[0].Timeline.MainSequence[0];
    // Change the effect Animate text type to "By word"
    firstSlideEffect.AnimateTextType = AnimateTextType.ByWord;
    // Set the delay between animated text parts to 20% of effect duration.
    firstSlideEffect.DelayBetweenTextParts = 20f;

See Also