HtmlFixedSaveOptions class
HtmlFixedSaveOptions class
Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the SaveFormat.HTML_FIXED format. To learn more, visit the Specify Save Options documentation article.
Inheritance: HtmlFixedSaveOptions → FixedPageSaveOptions → SaveOptions
Name | Description |
HtmlFixedSaveOptions() | The default constructor. |
Name | Description |
allow_embedding_post_script_fonts | Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to allow embedding fonts with PostScript outlines when embedding TrueType fonts in a document upon it is saved. The default value is False .(Inherited from SaveOptions) |
color_mode | Gets or sets a value determining how colors are rendered. (Inherited from FixedPageSaveOptions) |
css_class_names_prefix | Specifies prefix which is added to all class names in style.css file. Default value is "aw" . |
default_template | Gets or sets path to default template (including filename). Default value for this property is empty string (). (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
dml_3d_effects_rendering_mode | Gets or sets a value determining how 3D effects are rendered. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
dml_effects_rendering_mode | Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
dml_rendering_mode | Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
encoding | Specifies the encoding to use when exporting to HTML. Default value is new UTF8Encoding(true) (UTF-8 with BOM). |
export_embedded_css | Specifies whether the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) should be embedded into Html document. |
export_embedded_fonts | Specifies whether fonts should be embedded into Html document in Base64 format. Note setting this flag can significantly increase size of output Html file. |
export_embedded_images | Specifies whether images should be embedded into Html document in Base64 format. Note setting this flag can significantly increase size of output Html file. |
export_embedded_svg | Specifies whether SVG resources should be embedded into Html document. Default value is True . |
export_form_fields | Gets or sets indication of whether form fields are exported as interactive items (as ‘input’ tag) rather than converted to text or graphics. |
export_generator_name | When True , causes the name and version of Aspose.Words to be embedded into produced files. Default value is True .(Inherited from SaveOptions) |
font_format | Gets or sets ExportFontFormat used for font exporting. Default value is ExportFontFormat.WOFF. |
id_prefix | Specifies a prefix that is prepended to all generated element IDs in the output document. Default value is null and no prefix is prepended. |
iml_rendering_mode | Gets or sets a value determining how ink (InkML) objects are rendered. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
jpeg_quality | Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside Html document. (Inherited from FixedPageSaveOptions) |
memory_optimization | Gets or sets value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document. Default value for this property is False .(Inherited from SaveOptions) |
metafile_rendering_options | Allows to specify metafile rendering options. (Inherited from FixedPageSaveOptions) |
numeral_format | Gets or sets NumeralFormat used for rendering of numerals. European numerals are used by default. (Inherited from FixedPageSaveOptions) |
optimize_output | Flag indicates whether it is required to optimize output. If this flag is set redundant nested canvases and empty canvases are removed, also neighbor glyphs with the same formating are concatenated. Note: The accuracy of the content display may be affected if this property is set to True . |
page_horizontal_alignment | Specifies the horizontal alignment of pages in an HTML document. Default value is HtmlFixedPageHorizontalAlignment.CENTER. |
page_margins | Specifies the margins around pages in an HTML document. The margins value is measured in points and should be equal to or greater than 0. Default value is 10 points. |
page_saving_callback | Allows to control how separate pages are saved when a document is exported to fixed page format. (Inherited from FixedPageSaveOptions) |
page_set | Gets or sets the pages to render. Default is all the pages in the document. (Inherited from FixedPageSaveOptions) |
pretty_format | When True , pretty formats output where applicable. Default value is False .(Inherited from SaveOptions) |
progress_callback | Called during saving a document and accepts data about saving progress. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
remove_java_script_from_links | Specifies whether JavaScript will be removed from links. Default is False . If this option is enabled, all links containing JavaScript will be replaced with “javascript:void(0)”. |
resource_saving_callback | Allows to control how resources (images, fonts and css) are saved when a document is exported to fixed page Html format. |
resources_folder | Specifies the physical folder where resources (images, fonts, css) are saved when exporting a document to Html format. Default is None . |
resources_folder_alias | Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into an Html document. Default is None . |
save_font_face_css_separately | Flag indicates whether “@font-face” CSS rules should be placed into a separate file “fontFaces.css” when a document is being saved with external stylesheet (that is, when HtmlFixedSaveOptions.export_embedded_css is False ). Default value is False , all CSS rules are written into single file “styles.css”. |
save_format | Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used. Can only be SaveFormat.HTML_FIXED. |
show_page_border | Specifies whether border around pages should be shown. Default is True . |
temp_folder | Specifies the folder for temporary files used when saving to a DOC or DOCX file. By default this property is None and no temporary files are used.(Inherited from SaveOptions) |
update_ambiguous_text_font | Determines whether the font attributes will be changed according to the character code being used. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
update_created_time_property | Gets or sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.created_time property is updated before saving. Default value is False ;(Inherited from SaveOptions) |
update_fields | Gets or sets a value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format. Default value for this property is True .(Inherited from SaveOptions) |
update_last_printed_property | Gets or sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.last_printed property is updated before saving. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
update_last_saved_time_property | Gets or sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.last_saved_time property is updated before saving. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
use_anti_aliasing | Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
use_high_quality_rendering | Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e. slow) rendering algorithms. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
use_target_machine_fonts | Flag indicates whether fonts from target machine must be used to display the document. If this flag is set to True , HtmlFixedSaveOptions.font_format and HtmlFixedSaveOptions.export_embedded_fonts properties do not have effect, also HtmlFixedSaveOptions.resource_saving_callback is not fired for fonts. Default is False . |
Name | Description |
create_save_options(save_format) | Creates a save options object of a class suitable for the specified save format. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
create_save_options(file_name) | Creates a save options object of a class suitable for the file extension specified in the given file name. (Inherited from SaveOptions) |
See Also
- module aspose.words.saving
- class FixedPageSaveOptions