Class BaseEncodeType

BaseEncodeType class

Base class for SymbologyEncodeType.

public class BaseEncodeType : IEquatable<BaseEncodeType>


Classification { get; }Gets a classification of this symbology.
TypeIndex { get; }Gets an index of encode type
TypeName { get; }Gets a name of encode type


static Parse(string)Converts the string representation of the name of a BaseEncodeType to its instance.
Equals(BaseEncodeType)Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified BaseEncodeType value.
override Equals(object)Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified BaseEncodeType value.
override GetHashCode()Returns the hash code for this instance.
GetString()Converts the instance of BaseEncodeType to its equivalent string representation. The string format is: “Index:0; Name:Codabar”.
override ToString()Returns the name of the given BaseEncodeType as a string.
static GetString(BaseEncodeType)Converts the instance of BaseEncodeType to its equivalent string representation. The string format is: “Index:-1; Name:None”.
static TryParse(string, out BaseEncodeType)Converts the string representation of a BaseEncodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.
static TryParse(string, out SymbologyEncodeType)Converts the string representation of a BaseEncodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.

See Also