Class PivotFieldCollection

PivotFieldCollection class

Represents a collection of all the PivotField objects in the PivotTable’s specific PivotFields type.

public class PivotFieldCollection : IEnumerable


Count { get; }Gets the count of the pivotFields.
Item { get; }Gets the PivotField Object at the specific index. (2 indexers)
Type { get; }Gets the PivotFields type.


Add(PivotField)Adds a PivotField Object to the specific type PivotFields.
AddByBaseIndex(int)Adds a PivotField Object to the specific type PivotFields.
Clear()clear all fields of PivotFieldCollection
GetEnumerator()Gets an enumerator over the elements in this collection in proper sequence.
Move(int, int)Moves the PivotField from current position to destination position



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using Aspose.Cells.Pivot;
    using System;

    public class PivotFieldCollectionDemo
        public static void PivotFieldCollectionExample()
            // Create a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Add some data to the worksheet
            worksheet.Cells[0, 0].Value = "Fruit";
            worksheet.Cells[1, 0].Value = "Grape";
            worksheet.Cells[2, 0].Value = "Blueberry";
            worksheet.Cells[3, 0].Value = "Kiwi";
            worksheet.Cells[4, 0].Value = "Cherry";
            worksheet.Cells[5, 0].Value = "Grape";
            worksheet.Cells[6, 0].Value = "Blueberry";
            worksheet.Cells[7, 0].Value = "Kiwi";
            worksheet.Cells[8, 0].Value = "Cherry";

            worksheet.Cells[0, 1].Value = "Year";
            worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = 2020;
            worksheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = 2020;
            worksheet.Cells[3, 1].Value = 2020;
            worksheet.Cells[4, 1].Value = 2020;
            worksheet.Cells[5, 1].Value = 2021;
            worksheet.Cells[6, 1].Value = 2021;
            worksheet.Cells[7, 1].Value = 2021;
            worksheet.Cells[8, 1].Value = 2021;

            worksheet.Cells[0, 2].Value = "Amount";
            worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = 50;
            worksheet.Cells[2, 2].Value = 60;
            worksheet.Cells[3, 2].Value = 70;
            worksheet.Cells[4, 2].Value = 80;
            worksheet.Cells[5, 2].Value = 90;
            worksheet.Cells[6, 2].Value = 100;
            worksheet.Cells[7, 2].Value = 110;
            worksheet.Cells[8, 2].Value = 120;

            // Add a pivot table to the worksheet
            PivotTableCollection pivotTables = worksheet.PivotTables;
            int pivotIndex = pivotTables.Add("=Sheet1!A1:C9", "E3", "PivotTable1");
            PivotTable pivotTable = pivotTables[pivotIndex];

            // Add fields to the pivot table
            pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Row, "Fruit");
            pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Column, "Year");
            pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Data, "Amount");

            // Access the RowFields collection
            PivotFieldCollection rowFields = pivotTable.RowFields;

            // Display the count of row fields
            Console.WriteLine("Row Fields Count: " + rowFields.Count);

            // Access the first row field and display its name
            PivotField firstRowField = rowFields[0];
            Console.WriteLine("First Row Field Name: " + firstRowField.Name);

            // Add a new field by base index
            int newFieldIndex = rowFields.AddByBaseIndex(1); // Adding the "Year" field to the row area
            Console.WriteLine("New Field Index: " + newFieldIndex);

            // Clear all fields in the RowFields collection
            Console.WriteLine("Row Fields Count after Clear: " + rowFields.Count);

            // Save the workbook

See Also