Class PivotItem

PivotItem class

Represents a item in a PivotField report.

public class PivotItem


Index { get; set; }Gets the index of the pivot item in cache field.
IsFormula { get; set; }Indicates whether this pivot item is a calculated formula item.
IsHidden { get; set; }Gets and Sets whether the pivot item is hidden.
IsHideDetail { get; set; }Gets and Sets whether the pivot item hides detail.
IsMissing { get; }Indicates whether the item is removed from the data source.
Name { get; }Gets the name of the pivot item.
Position { get; set; }Specifying the position index in all the PivotItems,not the PivotItems under the same parent node.
PositionInSameParentNode { get; set; }Specifying the position index in the PivotItems under the same parent node.
Value { get; }Gets the value of the pivot item


GetDateTimeValue()Gets the date time value of the pivot item If the value is null ,it will return DateTime.MinValue
GetDoubleValue()Gets the double value of the pivot item If the value is null or not number ,it will return 0
GetStringValue()Gets the string value of the pivot item If the value is null, it will return ""
Move(int, bool)Moves the item up or down

See Also