CdrOutline Class

Summary: The cdr out line

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.cdr.objects

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.cdr.objects.CdrOutline

Inheritance: CdrDictionaryItem

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.6.0


CdrOutline()Initializes a new instance of the CdrOutline class


aangledoubler/wGets or sets the angle.
caps_typeshortr/wGets or sets the type of the caps.
colorCdrColorr/wGets or sets the color.
dash_arraylist[int]r/wGets or sets the dash array.
disposedboolrGets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
documentCdrDocumentr/wGets or sets the document.
end_marker_idintr/wGets or sets the end marker identifier.
idintr/wGets or sets the identifier.
join_typeshortr/wGets or sets the type of the join.
line_typeshortr/wGets or sets the type of the line.
line_widthdoubler/wGets or sets the width of the line.
parentCdrObjectContainerr/wGets or sets the parent.
start_marker_idintr/wGets or sets the start marker identifier.
stretchdoubler/wGets or sets the stretch.

Constructor: CdrOutline()


Initializes a new instance of the CdrOutline class