EmfHatchStyle Enumeration

The HatchStyle enumeration is an extension to the WMF HatchStyle enumeration ([MS-WMF] section

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emf.consts

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emf.consts.EmfHatchStyle

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


Member nameDescription
HS_BDIAGONALA 45-degree upward, left-to-right hatch.
HS_CROSSA horizontal and vertical cross-hatch.
HS_DIAGCROSSA 45-degree crosshatch.
HS_DITHEREDBKCLRThe hatch is not a pattern, but is a dithered color, defined by the current background color.
HS_DITHEREDCLRThe hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color.
HS_DITHEREDTEXTCLRThe hatch is not a pattern, but is a dithered color, defined by the current text (foreground) color.
HS_FDIAGONALA 45-degree downward, left-to-right hatch.
HS_HORIZONTALA horizontal hatch.
HS_SOLIDBKCLRThe hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color, defined by the current background color
HS_SOLIDCLRThe hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color.
HS_SOLIDTEXTCLRThe hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color, defined by the current text (foreground) color
HS_VERTICALA vertical hatch.