EmfWeight Enumeration

The Weight enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emf.consts

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emf.consts.EmfWeight


Member nameDescription
PAN_ANYThe Any weight.
PAN_NO_FITThe No fit.
PAN_WEIGHT_BLACKThe black weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_BOLDThe bold weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_BOOKThe book weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_DEMIThe demi weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_HEAVYThe heavy weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_LIGHTThe light weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_MEDIUMThe medium weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_NORDThe nord weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_THINThe thin weight.
PAN_WEIGHT_VERY_LIGHTVery light weight.