EmfPlusFont Class

Summary: The EmfPlusFont object specifies properties that determine the appearance of text, including
typeface, size, and style.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.objects

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.objects.EmfPlusFont

Inheritance: EmfPlusGraphicsObjectType

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


EmfPlusFont()Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusFont class


em_sizefloatr/wGets or sets a 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the em size of the
font in units specified by the SizeUnit field.
family_namestringr/wGets or sets a string of Length Unicode characters that contains
the name of the font family
font_style_flagsEmfPlusFontStyleFlagsr/wGets or sets a 32-bit signed integer that specifies attributes of the
character glyphs that affect the appearance of the font,
such as bold and italic. This value MUST be composed of
FontStyle flags (section
size_unitEmfPlusUnitTyper/wGets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the units used for
the EmSize field. These are typically the units that were
employed when designing the font. The value MUST be in the
UnitType enumeration (section
versionEmfPlusGraphicsVersionr/wGets or sets the version.

Constructor: EmfPlusFont()


Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusFont class