EmfPlusHatchBrushData Class

Summary: The EmfPlusHatchBrushData object specifies a hatch pattern for a graphics brush.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.objects

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.objects.EmfPlusHatchBrushData

Inheritance: EmfPlusBaseBrushData

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


EmfPlusHatchBrushData()Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusHatchBrushData class


back_argb_32_colorintr/wGets or sets a 32-bit EmfPlusArgb object that specifies the color used to paint the background of the hatch pattern.
fore_argb_32_colorintr/wGets or sets a 32-bit EmfPlusArgb object that specifies the color used to draw the lines of the hatch pattern.
hatch_styleEmfPlusHatchStyler/wGets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the brush hatch style. It MUST be defined in the EmfPlusHatchStyle enumeration.

Constructor: EmfPlusHatchBrushData()


Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusHatchBrushData class