EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData Class

Summary: The EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData object specifies a path gradient for a graphics brush.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.objects

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.objects.EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData

Inheritance: EmfPlusBaseBrushData

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData()Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData class


boundary_dataEmfPlusBoundaryBaser/wGets or sets the boundary of the path gradient brush, which is specified by either a path or a closed cardinal spline.
If the BrushDataPath flag is set in the BrushDataFlags field, this field MUST contain an EmfPlusBoundaryPathData object (section;
otherwise, this field MUST contain an EmfPlusBoundaryPointData object (section
brush_data_flagsEmfPlusBrushDataFlagsr/wGets or sets 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the data in the OptionalData field.
This value MUST be composed of BrushData flags (section The following flags are relevant to a path gradient brush:
center_argb_32_colorintr/wGets or sets EmfPlusARGB object (section that specifies the center color of
the path gradient brush, which is the color that appears at the center point of the brush.
The color of the brush changes gradually from the boundary
color to the center color as it moves from the boundary to the center point.
center_point_fPointFr/wGets or sets EmfPlusARGB object (section that specifies the center color of the path gradient brush,
which is the color that appears at the center point of the brush. The color of the
brush changes gradually from the boundary color to the center color as it moves
from the boundary to the center point.
optional_dataEmfPlusPathGradientBrushOptionalDatar/wGets or sets an optional EmfPlusPathGradientBrushOptionalData object (section that
specifies additional data for the path gradient brush.
The specific contents of this field are determined by the value of the BrushDataFlags field.
surrounding_argb_32_colorsintr/wGets or sets array of SurroundingColorCount EmfPlusARGB objects
that specify the colors for discrete points on the boundary of the brush.
wrap_modeEmfPlusWrapModer/wGets or sets 32-bit signed integer from the WrapMode enumeration (section that specifies
whether to paint the area outside the boundary of the brush. When painting
outside the boundary, the wrap mode specifies how the color gradient is repeated

Constructor: EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData()


Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData class