EmfPlusDrawImage Class

Summary: The EmfPlusDrawImage record specifies drawing a scaled image.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.records

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.records.EmfPlusDrawImage

Inheritance: EmfPlusDrawingRecordType

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.6.0


EmfPlusDrawImage(source)Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusDrawImage class.


compressedboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether the PointData is compressed.
If set, RectData contains an EmfPlusRect object (section
If clear, RectData contains an EmfPlusRectF object (section
data_sizeintr/wGets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that MUST define the 32-bit–aligned number of
bytes of data in the RecordData field that follows. This number does not include the 12-byte record header.
flagsshortr/wGets or sets a 16-bit unsigned integer that contains information for some records on how
the operation is to be performed and on the structure of the record.
image_attributes_idintr/wGets or sets the image attributes identifier
A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of an optional EmfPlusImageAttributes object (section in the EMF+ Object Table.
object_idbyter/wGets or sets the object identifier.
The index of an EmfPlusImage object (section in the EMF+
Object Table, which specifies the image to render. The value MUST be zero to 63, inclusive.
rect_dataRectangleFr/wGets or sets the rect data
Either an EmfPlusRect or EmfPlusRectF object that defines the bounding box of the image.
The portion of the image specified by the SrcRect field is scaled to fit this rectangle.
sizeintr/wGets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the 32-bit-aligned number of bytes
in the entire record, including the 12-byte record header and record-specific data.
src_rectRectangleFr/wGets or sets the source rect
An EmfPlusRectF object that specifies a portion of the image to be rendered.
The portion of the image specified by this rectangle is scaled to fit the destination
rectangle specified by the RectData field.
src_unitEmfPlusUnitTyper/wGets or sets the source unit
32-bit signed integer that specifies the units of the SrcRect field.
It MUST be the UnitTypePixel member of the UnitType enumeration (section
typeEmfPlusRecordTyperGets a 16-bit unsigned integer that identifies the record type.

Constructor: EmfPlusDrawImage(source)


Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusDrawImage class.


sourceEmfPlusRecordThe source.