EmfPlusDrawLines Class

Summary: The EmfPlusDrawlLines record specifies drawing a series of connected lines

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.records

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emfplus.records.EmfPlusDrawLines

Inheritance: EmfPlusDrawingRecordType

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.6.0


EmfPlusDrawLines(source)Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusDrawLines class.


closed_shapeboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether [closed shape].
compressedboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether this EmfPlusDrawClosedCurve is compressed.
This bit indicates whether the PointData field specifies compressed data.
If set, PointData specifies absolute locations in the coordinate space with 16-bit integer coordinates.
If clear, PointData specifies absolute locations in the coordinate space with 32-bit floating-point coordinates
Note If the Relative flag (below) is set, this flag is undefined and MUST be ignored
data_sizeintr/wGets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that MUST define the 32-bit–aligned number of
bytes of data in the RecordData field that follows. This number does not include the 12-byte record header.
flagsshortr/wGets or sets a 16-bit unsigned integer that contains information for some records on how
the operation is to be performed and on the structure of the record.
object_idbyter/wGets or sets the object identifier.
The index of an EmfPlusPen object (section in the EMF+
Object Table to draw the lines. The value MUST be zero to 63, inclusive.
point_dataPointF[]r/wGets or sets the point data
An array of Count points that specify the starting and ending points of the lines to be drawn.
relativeboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether this EmfPlusDrawClosedCurve is relative.
This bit indicates whether the PointData field specifies relative or absolute locations.
If set, each element in PointData specifies a location in the coordinate space that is relative
to the location specified by the previous element in the array. In the case of the first
element in PointData, a previous location at coordinates (0,0) is assumed. If clear,
PointData specifies absolute locations according to the C flag.
Note If this flag is set, the Compressed flag (above) is undefined and MUST be ignored
sizeintr/wGets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the 32-bit-aligned number of bytes
in the entire record, including the 12-byte record header and record-specific data.
typeEmfPlusRecordTyperGets a 16-bit unsigned integer that identifies the record type.

Constructor: EmfPlusDrawLines(source)


Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusDrawLines class.


sourceEmfPlusRecordThe source.