WmfBrushStyle Enumeration

The BrushStyle Enumeration specifies the different possible brush types
that can be used in graphics operations. For more information, see the
specification of the Brush Object (section

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.consts

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.wmf.consts.WmfBrushStyle

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.7.0


Member nameDescription
DIBPATTERNA pattern brush specified by a DIB.
DIBPATTERNPTA pattern brush specified by a DIB.
DIBPATTERN_8X8Not supported.
GRADIENTThe gradient
Not suppoted in wmf, support in odg.
HATCHEDA brush that paints a predefined simple pattern, or “hatch”, onto a solid background
INDEXEDNot supported.
MONOPATTERNNot supported.
NULLA brush that does nothing. Using a NULL brush in a graphics operation
MUST have the same effect as using no brush at all
PATTERNA brush that paints a pattern defined by a bitmap, which MAY be a Bitmap16 Object
or a DeviceIndependentBitmap (DIB) Object.
PATTERN_8X8Not supported.
SOLIDA brush that paints a single, constant color, either solid or dithered.