GaussianBlurFilterOptions Class

Summary: The Gaussian blur filter options.

Module: aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions

Full Name: aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.GaussianBlurFilterOptions

Inheritance: ConvolutionFilterOptions


GaussianBlurFilterOptions()Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlurFilterOptions class.
GaussianBlurFilterOptions(size, sigma)Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlurFilterOptions class.


biasintr/wGets or sets the bias.
factordoubler/wGets or sets the factor.
kernel_datadoublerGets the Gaussian kernel.
radiusintr/wGets the radius of Gausseian ISquareConvolutionKernel.
sigmadoubler/wGets the Gaussian kernel sigma (smoothing). Must be a positive non-zero value.
sizeintr/wGets the Gaussian kernel size. Must be a positive non-zero odd value.

Constructor: GaussianBlurFilterOptions()


Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlurFilterOptions class.

Constructor: GaussianBlurFilterOptions(size, sigma)

 GaussianBlurFilterOptions(size, sigma) 

Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlurFilterOptions class.


sizeintThe Gaussian kernel size..
sigmadoubleThe Gaussian kernel sigma.


The following example applies various types of filters to a raster image.

from aspose.pycore import as_of
from aspose.imaging import Image, RasterImage
from aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions import *
from os.path import join as join_path

directory = r"c:\temp"

with Image.load(join_path(directory, "sample.png")) as image:
	rasterImage = as_of(image, RasterImage)
	# Apply a median filter with a rectangle size of 5 to the entire image.
	rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.bounds, MedianFilterOptions(5)), "sample.MedianFilter.png"))

with Image.load(join_path(directory, "sample.png")) as image:
	rasterImage = as_of(image, RasterImage)
	# Apply a bilateral smoothing filter with a kernel size of 5 to the entire image.
	rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.bounds, BilateralSmoothingFilterOptions(5)), "sample.BilateralSmoothingFilter.png"))

with Image.load(join_path(directory, "sample.png")) as image:
	rasterImage = as_of(image, RasterImage)
	# Apply a Gaussian blur filter with a radius of 5 and a sigma value of 4.0 to the entire image.
	rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.bounds, GaussianBlurFilterOptions(5, 4.0)), "sample.GaussianBlurFilter.png"))

with Image.load(join_path(directory, "sample.png")) as image:
	rasterImage = as_of(image, RasterImage)
	# Apply a Gauss-Wiener filter with a radius of 5 and a smooth value of 4.0 to the entire image.
	rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.bounds, GaussWienerFilterOptions(5, 4.0)), "sample.GaussWienerFilter.png"))

with Image.load(join_path(directory, "sample.png")) as image:
	rasterImage = as_of(image, RasterImage)
	# Apply a motion wiener filter with a length of 5, a smooth value of 4.0 and an angle of 90.0 degrees to the entire image.
	rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.bounds, MotionWienerFilterOptions(10, 1.0, 90.0)), "sample.MotionWienerFilter.png"))

with Image.load(join_path(directory, "sample.png")) as image:
	rasterImage = as_of(image, RasterImage)
	# Apply a sharpen filter with a kernel size of 5 and a sigma value of 4.0 to the entire image.
	rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.bounds, SharpenFilterOptions(5, 4.0)), "sample.SharpenFilter.png"))