Cache Class

Summary: Contains cache settings.

Module: aspose.imaging

Full Name: aspose.imaging.Cache

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.6.0


allocated_disk_bytes_count [static]longrGets the allocated disk bytes count.
allocated_memory_bytes_count [static]longrGets the allocated in-memory bytes count.
cache_folder [static]stringr/wGets or sets the cache folder.
cache_type [static]CacheTyper/wGets or sets the cache scheme used.
exact_reallocate_only [static]boolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether reallocation should be exact or not. If reallocation is non exact the performance should be higher.
max_disk_space_for_cache [static]intr/wGets or sets the maximum available disk space for cache. The value specified is megabytes count.
max_memory_for_cache [static]intr/wGets or sets the maximum available memory for cache in memory. The value specified is megabytes count.


set_defaults()Sets the Cache settings to defaults.

Property: allocated_disk_bytes_count

Gets the allocated disk bytes count.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the use of aspose.imaging.Cache, aspose.imaging.Cac…

Property: allocated_memory_bytes_count

Gets the allocated in-memory bytes count.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the use of aspose.imaging.Cache, aspose.imaging.Cac…

Property: cache_type

Gets or sets the cache scheme used.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the use of aspose.imaging.Cache, aspose.imaging.Cac…

Property: exact_reallocate_only

Gets or sets a value indicating whether reallocation should be exact or not. If reallocation is non exact the performance should be higher.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the use of aspose.imaging.Cache, aspose.imaging.Cac…

Property: max_disk_space_for_cache

Gets or sets the maximum available disk space for cache. The value specified is megabytes count.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the use of aspose.imaging.Cache, aspose.imaging.Cac…

Property: max_memory_for_cache

Gets or sets the maximum available memory for cache in memory. The value specified is megabytes count.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the use of aspose.imaging.Cache, aspose.imaging.Cac…


This example demonstrates the use of aspose.imaging.Cache, aspose.imaging.CacheType

import aspose.pycore as aspycore
from aspose.imaging import *
from aspose.imaging.brushes import *
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.jpeg import *
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import *
from aspose.imaging.sources import *
import os

# By default the cache folder is set to the local temp directory.  You can specify a different cache folder from the default this way:
# Auto mode is flexible and efficient
# The default cache max value is 0, which means that there is no upper limit
# We do not recommend that you change the following property because it may greatly affect performance

# At any time you can check how many bytes are currently allocated for the cache in memory or on disk By examining the following properties
l1 = Cache.allocated_disk_bytes_count
l2 = Cache.allocated_memory_bytes_count
print("allocated_disk_bytes_count", l1, "allocated_memory_bytes_count", l2)

options = GifOptions()
options.palette = ColorPalette.create_with_colors([,,, Color.white])
options.source = FileCreateSource(os.path.join(data_dir, "temp_image"), True)
with aspycore.as_of(Image.create(options, 100, 100), RasterImage) as image:
	pixels = [Color.white] * 10000
	image.save_pixels(image.bounds, pixels)
	# After executing the code above 40000 bytes are allocated to memory.
	disk_bytes = Cache.allocated_disk_bytes_count
	memory_bytes = Cache.allocated_memory_bytes_count
	print("disk_bytes", disk_bytes, "memory_bytes", memory_bytes)

# The allocation properties may be used to check whether all Aspose.Imaging objects were properly disposed. If you've forgotten to call dispose on an object the cache values will not be 0.
l1 = Cache.allocated_disk_bytes_count
l2 = Cache.allocated_memory_bytes_count
print("allocated_disk_bytes_count", l1, "allocated_memory_bytes_count", l2)