Aspose::Page::EPS::PsDocument::CropEps method

PsDocument::CropEps(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>, System::ArrayPtr<float>) method

Crops given PsDocument as EPS file. It saves initial EPS file with updated existing %BoundingBox or new one will be created.

void Aspose::Page::EPS::PsDocument::CropEps(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> epsStream, System::ArrayPtr<float> cropBox)
epsStreamSystem::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>Stream of output EPS file.
cropBoxSystem::ArrayPtr<float>The crop box (x0, y0, x, y).

See Also

PsDocument::CropEps(System::String, System::ArrayPtr<float>) method

Crops given PsDocument as EPS file. It saves initial EPS file with updated existing %BoundingBox or new one will be created.

void Aspose::Page::EPS::PsDocument::CropEps(System::String outEpsFilePath, System::ArrayPtr<float> cropBox)
outEpsFilePathSystem::StringThe output EPS file path.
cropBoxSystem::ArrayPtr<float>The crop box (x0, y0, x, y).

See Also