Aspose::Page::Plugins::XpsConverterToImageOptions class
]XpsConverterToImageOptions class
Represents XPS to Image converter options for XpsConverter plugin.
class XpsConverterToImageOptions : public Aspose::Page::Plugins::XpsConverterOptions
Method | Description |
get_ImageFormat() const | Gets/sets the image type. |
get_OperationName() override | Returns operation name. |
get_PageNumbers() const | Gets/sets the array of numbers of pages in XPS document to convert. If not set all pages will be converted. |
get_Resolution() const | Gets/sets the image resolution. |
get_Size() const | Gets/sets the size of the resulting image. |
get_SmoothingMode() const | Gets/sets the smoothing mode for rendering image. |
set_ImageFormat(Aspose::Page::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat) | Gets/sets the image type. |
set_PageNumbers(System::ArrayPtr<int32_t>) | Gets/sets the array of numbers of pages in XPS document to convert. If not set all pages will be converted. |
set_Resolution(float) | Gets/sets the image resolution. |
set_Size(System::Drawing::Size) | Gets/sets the size of the resulting image. |
set_SmoothingMode(System::Nullable<System::Drawing::Drawing2D::SmoothingMode>) | Gets/sets the smoothing mode for rendering image. |
XpsConverterToImageOptions() | Initializes new instance of the XpsConverterToImageOptions object with default options. |
XpsConverterToImageOptions(Aspose::Page::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat) | Initializes new instance of the XpsConverterToImageOptions object with image format. |
XpsConverterToImageOptions(System::Drawing::Size) | Initializes new instance of the XpsConverterToImageOptions object with a size of the resulting image. |
XpsConverterToImageOptions(Aspose::Page::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat, System::Drawing::Size) | Initializes new instance of the XpsConverterToImageOptions object with image format and a size of the resulting image. |
See Also
- Class XpsConverterOptions
- Namespace Aspose::Page::Plugins
- Library Aspose.Page for C++