Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata namespace


CollateThe base class for DocumentCollate and JobCollateAllDocuments features classes.
CompositePrintTicketElementThe base class for classes that may be composite Print Schema elements (i.e. containing other elements).
DecimalValueThe class that incapsulates a Decimal value in a PrintTicket document.
DocumentBannerSheetDescribes the banner sheet to be output for a particular document. The banner sheet should be output on the default PageMediaSize and using the default PageMediaType. The banner sheet should be also isolated from the remainder of the job. This means that any finishing or processing options (such as DocumentDuplex, DocumentStaple, or DocumentBinding) should not include the banner sheet. The banner sheet may or may not be isolated from the remainder of the job. This means that any job finishing or processing options, may include the document banner sheet. The banner sheet should occur as the first sheet of the document.
DocumentBannerSheetSourceSpecifies the source for a custom banner sheet.
DocumentBindingDescribes the method of binding. Each document is bound separately. DocumentBinding and JobBindAllDocuments are mutually exclusive. It is up to the driver to determine constraint handling between keywords.
DocumentBindingGutterSpecifies the width of the binding gutter.
DocumentCollateDescribes the collating characteristics of the output. All pages in each individual document are collated. DocumentCollate and JobCollateAlldocuments are mutually exclusive. The behavior and implementation of whether both or only one of these keywords is implemented is left to the driver.
DocumentCopiesAllPagesSpecifies the number of copies of a document.
DocumentCoverBackDescribes the back (ending) cover sheet. Each document will have a separate sheet. The cover sheet should be printed on the PageMediaSize and PageMediaType used for the final page of the document. The cover sheet should be integrated into processing options (such as DocumentDuplex, DocumentNUp) as indicated by the Option specified.
DocumentCoverBackSourceSpecifies the source for a custom back-cover sheet.
DocumentCoverFrontDescribes the front (beginning) cover sheet. Each document will have a separate sheet. The cover sheet should be printed on the PageMediaSize and PageMediaType used for the first page of the document. The cover sheet should be integrated into processing options (such as DocumentDuplex, DocumentNUp) as indicated by the Option specified.
DocumentCoverFrontSourceSpecifies the source for a custom front-cover sheet.
DocumentDuplexDescribes the duplex characteristics of the output. The duplex feature allows for printing on both sides of the media. Each document is duplexed separately. DocumentDuplex and JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously are mutually exclusive. It is up to the driver to determine constraint handling between these keywords.
DocumentHolePunchDescribes the hole punching characteristics of the output. Each document is punched separately. The JobHolePunch and DocumentHolePunch keywords are mutually exclusive. Both should not be specified simultaneously in a PrintTicket or Print Capabilities document.
DocumentIDSpecifies a unique ID for the document.
DocumentImpositionColorApplication content labeled with the specified named color MUST appear on all color separations.
DocumentInputBinDescribes the installed input bin in a device or the full list of supported bins for a device. The JobInputBin, DocumentInputBin, and PageInputBin keywords are mutually exclusive. Both should not be specified simultaneously in a PrintTicket or Print Capabilities document.
DocumentNameSpecifies a descriptive name for the document.
DocumentNUpDescribes the output and format of multiple logical pages to a single physical sheet. Each document is compiled separately. DocumentNUp and JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguously are mutually exclusive. It is up to the driver to determine constraint handling between these keywords.
DocumentOutputBinDescribes the full list of supported bins for the device. Allows specification of output bin on a per document basis. The JobOutputBin, DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin keywords are mutually exclusive only one should be specified in a PrintTicket or Print Capabilities document.
DocumentPageRangesDescribes the output range of the document in pages. The parameter value must conform to the following structure:
DocumentPrintTicketThe class that incapsulates a document-level print ticket.
DocumentRollCutDescribes the cutting method for roll paper. Each document is handled separately. The specified options describe the different methods for roll cut.
DocumentSeparatorSheetDescribes the separator sheet usage for a document. Separator sheets should appear in the output as indicated by the Option specified below.
DocumentStapleDescribes the stapling characteristics of the output. Each document is stapled separately. The JobStapleAllDocuments and DocumentStaple keywords are mutually exclusive. It is up to the driver to determine constraint handling between these keywords.
DocumentURISpecifies a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the document.
DuplexThe base class for JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously and DocumentDuplex features classes.
FeatureThe class that incapsulates a common Print Schema feature. The base class for all schema-defined features. A Feature element contains a complete list of the Option and Property elements that fully describe a device attribute, job formatting setting, or other relevant characteristic.
HolePunchThe base class for JobHolePunch and DocumentHolePunch features classes.
IDocumentPrintTicketItemThe interface of document-prefixed print ticket items.
IDPropertyThe base class for JobID and DocumentID properties classes.
IFeatureItemThe base interface for classes that may be Print Schema Feature items.
IJobPrintTicketItemThe interface of job-prefixed print ticket items.
InputBinThe base class for JobInputBin, DocumentInputBin and PageInputBin features classes.
IntegerParameterInitBase class for all integer parameter initializers.
IntegerValueThe class that incapsulates an Integer value in a PrintTicket document.
IOptionItemThe interface of classes that may be Print Schema Option items.
IPagePrintTicketItemThe interface of page-prefixed print ticket items.
IPrintTicketElementChildThe base interface of a child element of any Print Schema element.
IPrintTicketItemThe base interface for classes that may be PrintTicket root element items. It is also the base interface for interfaces that define a scoping prefix.
IPropertyItemThe base interface for classes that may be a PrintTicketProperty items.
IScoredPropertyItemThe base interface for classes that may be PrintTicketScoredProperty items.
JobAccountingSheetDescribes the accounting sheet to be output for the job. The accounting sheet should be output on the default PageMediaSize and using the default PageMediaType. The accounting sheet should to be isolated from the remainder of the job. This means that any finishing or processing options (such as JobDuplex, JobStaple, or JobBinding) should not include the accounting sheet. The accounting sheet may occur as the first or last page of the job at the implementer’s discretion.
JobBindAllDocumentsDescribes the method of binding. All documents in the job are bound together. JobBindAllDocuments and DocumentBinding are mutually exclusive. It is up to the driver to determine constraint handling between these keywords.
JobBindAllDocumentsGutterSpecifies the width of the binding gutter.
JobCollateAllDocumentsDescribes the collating characteristics of the output. All documents in each individual job are collated. DocumentCollate and JobCollateAllDocuments are mutually exclusive. The behavior and implementation of whether both or only one of these keywords is implemented is left to the driver.
JobCommentSpecifies a comment associated with the job. Example: “Please deliver to room 1234 when completed”.
JobCopiesAllDocumentsSpecifies the number of copies of a job.
JobDeviceLanguageDescribes the device languages supported for sending data from driver to physical device. This is often called “Page Description Language”. This keyword defines what page description language is supported by the driver and physical device.
JobDigitalSignatureProcessingDescribes configuring the digital signature processing for the entire job. Applicable only to content that contains digital signatures.
JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguouslyDescribes the duplex characteristics of the output. The duplex feature allows for printing on both sides of the media. All Documents in the job are duplexed together contiguously. JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously and DocumentDuplex are mutually exclusive. It is up to the driver to determine constraint handling between these keywords.
JobErrorSheetDescribes the error sheet output. The entire job will have a single error sheet. The error sheet should be output on the default PageMediaSize and using the default PageMediaType. The error sheet should to be isolated from the remainder of the job. This means that any finishing or processing options (such as JobDuplex, JobStaple, or JobBinding) should not include the error sheet. The error sheet should occur as the final sheet of the job.
JobErrorSheetSourceSpecifies the source for a custom error sheet.
JobHolePunchDescribes the hole punching characteristics of the output. All documents are punched together. The JobHolePunch and DocumentHolePunch keywords are mutually exclusive. Both should not be specified simultaneously in a PrintTicket or Print Capabilities document.
JobIDSpecifies a unique ID for the job.
JobInputBinDescribes the installed input bin in a device or the full list of supported bins for a device. Allows specification of input bin on a per job basis. The JobInputBin, DocumentInputBin, and PageInputBin keywords are mutually exclusive. Both should not be specified simultaneously in a PrintTicket or Print Capabilities document.
JobNameSpecifies a descriptive name for the job.
JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguouslyDescribes the output of multiple logical pages to a single physical sheet. All documents in the job are compiled together contiguously. JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguously and DocumentNUp are mutually exclusive. It is up to the driver to determine constraint handling between these keywords.
JobOptimalDestinationColorProfileSpecifies the optimal color profile given the current device configuration.
JobOutputBinDescribes the installed output bin in a device or the full list of supported bins for a device. The JobOutputBin, DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin keywords are mutually exclusive only one should be specified in a PrintTicket or Print Capabilities document.
JobOutputOptimizationDescribes the job processing, intended to optimize the output for particular use scenarios as indicated by the option specified.
JobPageOrderDefines the order of physical pages for the output.
JobPrimaryBannerSheetDescribes the banner sheet to be output for the job. The banner sheet should be output on the default PageMediaSize and using the default PageMediaType. The banner sheet should be isolated from the remainder of the job. This means that any finishing or processing options (such as JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously, JobStapleAllDocuments, or JobBindAllDocuments) should not include the banner sheet. The banner sheet should occur as the first sheet of the job.
JobPrimaryBannerSheetSourceSpecifies the source for a primary custom banner sheet for the job.
JobPrimaryCoverBackDescribes the back (ending) cover sheet. Each job will have a separate primary sheet. The cover sheet should be printed on the PageMediaSize and PageMediaType used for the final page of the job. The cover sheet should be integrated into processing options (such as JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously, JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguously) as indicated by the Option specified.
JobPrimaryCoverBackSourceSpecifies the source for a custom back-cover primary sheet for the job.
JobPrimaryCoverFrontDescribes the front (beginning) cover sheet. The entire job will have a single primary sheet. The cover sheet should be printed on the PageMediaSize and PageMediaType used for the first page of the job. The cover sheet should be integrated into processing options (such as JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously, JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguously) as indicated by the Option specified.
JobPrimaryCoverFrontSourceSpecifies the source for a custom front-cover primary sheet for the job.
JobPrintTicketThe class that incapsulates a job-level print ticket.
JobRollCutAtEndOfJobDescribes the cutting method for roll paper. The roll should be cut at the end of the job.
JobStapleAllDocumentsDescribes the stapling characteristics of the output. All documents in the job are stapled together. The JobStapleAllDocuments and DocumentStaple keywords are mutually exclusive. It is up to the driver to determine constraint handling between these keywords.
JobURISpecifies a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the document.
NamePropertyThe base class for JobName and DocumentName properties classes.
NamespaceDocThe Aspose.Page.Xps.XpsMetadata namespace provides classes that describe metadata of XPS document.
NUpThe base class for JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguously and DocumentNUp features classes.
OptionThe class that implements a common PrintTicketOption. The base class for all schema-defined options. An Option element contains all of the Property and ScoredProperty elements associated with this option.
OutputBinThe base class for JobOutputBin, DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin features classes.
PageBlackGenerationProcessingSpecifies black generation behavior for CMYK separations.
PageBlackGenerationProcessingBlackInkLimitApplication content labeled with the specified named color MUST appear on all color separations.
PageBlackGenerationProcessingGrayComponentReplacementExtentDescribes the extented beyond neutrals (into chromatic colors) that GCR applies. 0% = Uniform component replacement, 100% = Gray component replacement.
PageBlackGenerationProcessingGrayComponentReplacementLevelSpecifies the percentage of gray component replacement to perform.
PageBlackGenerationProcessingGrayComponentReplacementStartDescribes the point in the “highlight to shadow” range where GCR should start (100% darkest shadow).
PageBlackGenerationProcessingTotalInkCoverageLimitSpecifies the maximum allowed sum of the four ink coverage anywhere in an image.
PageBlackGenerationProcessingUnderColorAdditionLevelDescribes the amount chromatic ink (in gray component ratios) to add to areas where GCR/UCR has generated “BlackInkLimit” (or UCAStart, if specified) in the dark neutrals and near-neutral areas.
PageBlackGenerationProcessingUnderColorAdditionStartDescribes the shadow level below which UCA will be applied.
PageBlendColorSpaceDescribes the color space that should be used for blending operations.
PageBlendColorSpaceICCProfileURISpecifies a relative URI reference to an ICC profile defining the color space that SHOULD be used for blending. The is an absolute part_name relative to the package root.
PageBorderlessDescribes when image content should be printed to the physical edges of the media.
PageColorManagementConfigures color management for the current page. This is considered automatic in SHIM - DM_ICMMethod Add System. Describes what component should perform color management (i.e. Driver).
PageCopiesSpecifies the number of copies of a page.
PageDestinationColorProfileDefines the characteristics of the destination color profile. Describes whether the application or driver selects the destination color profile to be used.
PageDestinationColorProfileEmbeddedSpecifies the embedded destination color profile.
PageDestinationColorProfileURISpecifies a relative URI reference to an ICC profile contained in an XPSDocument. The processing of this option depends of the setting of the PageDeviceColorSpaceUsage feature. All elements using that profile are assumed to be already in the appropriate device color space, and will not be color managed in the driver or device.
PageDeviceColorSpaceProfileURISpecifies a relative URI to the package root to an ICC profile contained in an XPSDocument. The processing of this option depends of the setting of the PageDeviceColorSpaceUsage feature. All elements using that profile are assumed to be already in the appropriate device color space, and will not be color managed in the driver or device.
PageDeviceColorSpaceUsageIn conjunction with the PageDeviceColorSpaceProfileURI parameter, this parameter defines the rendering behavior for elements presented in a device color space.
PageDeviceFontSubstitutionDescribes the enabled/disabled state of device font substitution.
PageForceFrontSideForces the output to appear on the front of a media sheet. Relevant to media sheets with different surfaces on each side. In cases where this feature interferes with processing options (such as DocumentDuplex), PageForceFrontSide takes precedence for the specific page to which the feature applies.
PageICMRenderingIntentDescribes the rendering intent as defined by the ICC v2 Specification. This value should be ignored if an image or graphical element has an embedded profile that specifies the Rendering intent.
PageImageableSizeDescribes the imaged canvas for layout and rendering. This will be reported based on PageMediaSize and PageOrientation.
PageInputBinDescribes the installed input bin in a device or the full list of supported bins for a device. Allows specification of input bin on a per page basis. The JobInputBin, DocumentInputBin and PageInputBin keywords are mutually exclusive. Both should not be specified simultaneously in a PrintTicket or Print Capabilities document.
PageMediaColorDescribes the Media Color options and the characteristics of each option.
PageMediaSizeDescribes the physical media dimensions used for the output.
PageMediaSizeMediaSizeHeightSpecifies the dimension MediaSizeWidth direction for the Custom MediaSize option.
PageMediaSizeMediaSizeWidthSpecifies the dimension MediaSizeHeight direction for the Custom MediaSize option.
PageMediaSizePSHeightSpecifies the height of the page, parallel to the feed-orientation direction.
PageMediaSizePSHeightOffsetSpecifies the offset, parallel to the feed-orientation direction.
PageMediaSizePSOrientationSpecifies the orientation relative to the feed-orientation direction
PageMediaSizePSWidthSpecifies the width of the page perpendicular to the feed-orientation direction.
PageMediaSizePSWidthOffsetSpecifies the offset perpendicular to the feed-orientation direction.
PageMediaTypeDescribes the MediaType options and the characteristics of each option.
PageMirrorImageDescribes the mirroring setting of the output.
PageNegativeImageDescribes the negative setting of the output.
PageOrientationDescribes the orientation of the physical media sheet.
PageOutputBinDescribes the full list of supported bins for the device. Allows specification of output bin on a per page basis. The JobOutputBin, DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin keywords are mutually exclusive only one should be specified in a PrintTicket or Print Capabilities document.
PageOutputColorDescribes the characteristics of the color settings for the output.
PageOutputQualityDescribes the negative setting of the output.
PagePhotoPrintingIntentIndicates a high-level intent to the driver for population of photo printing settings. These settings deal with the expected output quality a user may specify when printing photos.
PagePosterDescribes the output of a single page to multiple physical media sheets.
PagePrintTicketThe class that incapsulates a page-level print ticket.
PageResolutionDefines the page resolution of printed output as either a qualitative value or as dots per inch, or both.
PageScalingDescribes the scaling characteristics of the output.
PageScalingOffsetHeightSpecifies the scaling offset in the ImageableSizeWidth direction for custom scaling.
PageScalingOffsetWidthSpecifies the scaling offset in the ImageableSizeWidth direction for custom scaling.
PageScalingScaleSpecifies the scaling factor for custom square scaling.
PageScalingScaleHeightSpecifies the scaling factor in the ImageableSizeHeight direction for custom scaling.
PageScalingScaleWidthSpecifies the scaling factor in the ImageableSizeWidth direction for custom scaling.
PageSourceColorProfileDefines the characteristics of the source color profile.
PageSourceColorProfileEmbeddedSpecifies the embedded source color profile.
PageSourceColorProfileURISpecifies the source for color profile.
PageTrueTypeFontModeDescribes the method of TrueType font handling to be used.
PageWatermarkDescribes the watermark setting of the output and the watermark characteristics. Watermarks apply to the logical page, not the physical page. For example, if DocumentDuplex is enabled, a watermark will appear on each NUp page on each sheet. If DocumentDuplex, PagesPerSheet=2, then each sheet will have 2 watermarks.
PageWatermarkOriginHeightSpecifies the origin of a watermark relative to the origin of the PageImageableSize.
PageWatermarkOriginWidthSpecifies the origin of a watermark relative to the origin of the PageImageableSize.
PageWatermarkTextAngleSpecifies the angle of the watermark text relative to the PageImageableSizeWidth direction. The angle is measured in the counter-clockwise direction.
PageWatermarkTextColorDefines the sRGB color for the watermark text. Format is ARGB: #AARRGGBB.
PageWatermarkTextFontSizeDefines the available font sizes for the watermark text.
PageWatermarkTextTextSpecifies the text of the watermark.
PageWatermarkTransparencySpecifies the transparency for the watermark. Fully opaque would have a value of 0.
ParameterInitThe class that implements a common PrintTicket parameter initializer. The base class for all schema-defined parameter initializers. Defines a value for an instance of a ParameterDef element. A ParameterInit element is the target of the reference made by a ParameterRef element.
ParameterRefThe class that implements a common PrintTicket parameter reference. A ParameterRef element defines a reference to a ParameterInit element. A ScoredProperty element that contains a ParameterRef element does not have an explicitly-set Value element. Instead, the ScoredProperty element receives its value from the ParameterInit element referenced by a ParameterRef element.
PrintTicketThe class that implements a common PrintTicket of any scope. The base class for job-, document- and page-level print tickets. A PrintTicket element is the root element of the PrintTicket document. A PrintTicket element contains all job formatting information required to output a job.
PrintTicketElementThe base class for classes that may be Print Schema elements.
PropertyThe class that implements a common PrintTicketProperty. The base class for all schema-defined properties. A Property element declares a device, job formatting, or other relevant property whose name is given by its name attribute. A Value element is used to assign a value to the Property. A Property can be complex, possibly containing multiple subproperties. Subproperties are also represented by Property elements.
QNameValueThe class that incapsulates a QName value in a PrintTicket document.
RollCutThe base class for JobRollCutAtEndOfJob and DocumentRollCut features classes.
ScoredPropertyThe class that implements a common PrintTicketScoredProperty. The base class for all schema-defined scored properties. A ScoredProperty element declares a property that is intrinsic to an Option definition. Such properties should be compared when evaluating how closely a requested Option matches a device-supported Option.
SelectionTypeThe convenience class for SelectionTypePrintTicket property.
StapleThe base class for JobStapleAllDocuments and DocumentStaple features classes.
StringParameterInitBase class for all string parameter initializers.
StringValueThe class that incapsulates a String value in a PrintTicket document.
URIPropertyThe base class for JobURI and DocumentURI properties classes.
ValueThe base class that incapsulates a Property or a ScoredProperty value in a PrintTicket document. A Value element associates a literal with a type.