Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertDocument method

XpsDocument::InsertDocument(int32_t, bool) method

Inserts an empty document with default page size at index position.

void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertDocument(int32_t index, bool activate=true)
indexint32_tPosition at which a document should be inserted.
activateboolFlag indicating whether to select inserted document as active.

See Also

XpsDocument::InsertDocument(int32_t, float, float, bool) method

Inserts an empty document with the first page dimensions width and height at index position.

void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertDocument(int32_t index, float width, float height, bool activate=true)
indexint32_tPosition at which a document should be inserted.
widthfloatWidth of the first page.
heightfloatHeight of the first page.
activateboolFlag indicating whether to select inserted document as active.

See Also