
The Aspose.Svg.Builder namespace contains classes and interfaces for building and manipulating SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) documents using the Aspose.SVG library. This namespace provides a rich set of builder classes that simplify the creation and modification of SVG elements and their attributes. These builders offer a fluent API, making the code more readable and maintainable.


AnimationSplineBuilderA builder class for constructing animation timing functions using cubic Bézier curves.
This class allows for the definition of one or more cubic Bézier curves, each specified by two control points.
The resulting string can be used in CSS animations or transitions to control the pace of the animation.
ClipPathBuilderA builder class for constructing CSS clip-path values.
This class provides methods to define clip paths using basic shapes, external references, or geometry boxes.
It allows for the creation of complex clipping paths in a structured and readable manner.
ColorBuilderA builder class for constructing color values in various formats.
This class provides methods to set color values and build them into string representations
that can be used in styling contexts, such as CSS or SVG attributes.
FilterValueListBuilderA builder class for creating a list of filter functions for SVG elements.
IAnimationAdditionAttributeSetterInterface for setting additional animation attributes.
IAnimationElementBuilderInterface for building animation elements.
IAnimationEventAttributeSetterInterface for setting animation event attributes.
IAnimationTargetAttributeSetterInterface for setting target attributes for animations.
IAnimationTargetElementAttributeSetterInterface for setting target element attributes for animations.
IAnimationTimingAttributeSetterInterface for setting timing attributes for animations.
IAnimationValueAttributeSetterInterface for setting value attributes for animations.
IAttributeSetterBasic interface for setting attributes on SVG elements.
This interface is a fundamental part of the SVG element builder system,
allowing for the dynamic assignment of attributes to SVG elements.
IBaseAnimationElementBuilderBase interface for building animation elements.
ICommonEventAttributeSetterInterface for setting common event attributes.
ICompositeAttributeSetterInterface for setting a combination of various attribute types.
ICompositeElementBuilderInterface for building composite elements, combining various element types.
IConditionalProcessingAttributeSetterInterface for setting conditional processing attributes.
ICoreAttributeSetterInterface for setting core attributes.
IDescriptiveElementBuilderInterface for building descriptive elements like ‘desc’, ’title’, ‘metadata’.
IDocumentElementEventAttributeSetterInterface for setting document element event attributes.
IDocumentEventAttributeSetterInterface for setting document event attributes.
IFilterPrimitiveAttributeSetterInterface for setting attributes specific to filter primitives.
IFilterPrimitiveContentBuilderInterface for building content within filter primitives.
IFilterPrimitiveElementBuilderInterface for building filter primitive elements.
IFilterPrimitiveInAttributeSetterInterface for setting ‘in’ attributes for filter primitives.
IGlobalEventAttributeSetterInterface for setting global event attributes.
IGradientStopElementBuilderInterface for building gradient stop elements.
IGraphicalEventAttributeSetterInterface for setting graphical event attributes.
IHeightAttributeSetterInterface for setting height attributes.
IPaintServerElementBuilderInterface for building paint server elements.
IPointsAttributeSetterInterface for setting points attributes.
IPresentationAttributeSetterInterface for setting presentation attributes.
IPreserveAspectRatioAttributeSetterInterface for setting ‘preserveAspectRatio’ attributes.
IRectAttributeSetterInterface for setting rectangle attributes.
IRefCoordinatesAttributeSetterInterface for setting reference coordinates attributes.
ISVGElementBuilderInterface for building SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) elements.
This interface defines the essential methods and properties required to construct SVG elements programmatically.
It extends the IAttributeSetter interface to include attribute setting capabilities.
IShapeAttributeSetterInterface for setting shape attributes.
IShapeContentElementBuilderInterface for building content within shape elements.
IShapeElementBuilderInterface for building shape elements.
IStructuralElementBuilderInterface for building structural elements.
ITextContentPositioningAttributeSetterInterface for setting text content positioning attributes.
ITextContentSetterInterface for setting text content.
ITransferFunctionAttributeSetterInterface for setting transfer function attributes.
ITransformAttributeSetterInterface for setting transformation attributes.
IViewBoxAttributeSetterInterface for setting ‘viewBox’ attributes.
IWidthAttributeSetterInterface for setting width attributes.
IXAttributeSetterInterface for setting ‘x’ attributes.
IXLinkAttributeSetterInterface for setting XLink attributes.
IXYAttributeSetterInterface for setting ‘x’ and ‘y’ attributes.
IYAttributeSetterInterface for setting ‘y’ attributes.
MaskBuilderA builder class for creating CSS mask properties.
This class allows for the construction of complex mask styles using various properties such as mask source, position, size, repeat style, and more.
The resulting string can be used in CSS to define the masking behavior of an element.
PaintBuilderA builder class for creating paint values for SVG elements.
PathBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG path data strings.
RuleBuilderA builder class for constructing CSS style rules.
This class is used to dynamically build a string of CSS styles by setting various attributes and their values.
SVGAElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘a’ element, which is used to define hyperlinks.
It enables the building of content within ‘a’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘a’ element in SVG.
SVGAnimateElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘animate’ element, which is used for creating animations within SVG graphics.
It enables the building of content within the ‘animate’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘animate’ element in SVG.
SVGAnimateMotionElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘animateMotion’ element, which is used for creating motion animations within SVG graphics.
It enables the building of content within the ‘animateMotion’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘animateMotion’ element in SVG.
SVGAnimateTransformElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘animateTransform’ element, which is used for creating transformation animations within SVG graphics.
It enables the building of content within the ‘animateTransform’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘animateTransform’ element in SVG.
SVGBuilderExtensionsProvides extension methods for building and configuring SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) elements.
This class contains a collection of static methods that extend various builder interfaces,
allowing for fluent and convenient construction of SVG elements and their attributes.
SVGCircleElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘circle’ element, which is used to draw circles within SVG graphics.
It enables the building of content within the ‘circle’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘circle’ element in SVG.
SVGClipPathElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘clipPath’ element, which is used to define a clipping path.
It enables the building of content within the ‘clipPath’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘clipPath’ element in SVG.
SVGDefsElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘defs’ element, which is used to define reusable elements.
It enables the building of content within the ‘defs’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘defs’ element in SVG.
SVGDescElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘desc’ element, which is used to provide a description for SVG container elements.
It enables the building of content within the ‘desc’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘desc’ element in SVG.
SVGEllipseElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ’ellipse’ element, which is used to draw ellipses within SVG graphics.
It enables the building of content within the ’ellipse’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ’ellipse’ element in SVG.
SVGFEBlendElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feBlend’ elements, used in SVG filters.
SVGFEColorMatrixElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feColorMatrix’ elements, used in SVG filters.
SVGFEComponentTransferElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feComponentTransfer’ elements, used in SVG filters.
SVGFECompositeElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feComposite’ elements, used in SVG filters.
SVGFEConvolveMatrixElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feConvolveMatrix’ elements, used in SVG filters for applying convolution matrix effects.
SVGFEDiffuseLightingElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feDiffuseLighting’ elements, used in SVG filters to apply diffuse lighting effects.
SVGFEDisplacementMapElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feDisplacementMap’ elements, used in SVG filters to apply displacement mapping effects.
SVGFEDistantLightElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feDistantLight’ elements, used within SVG filters to define a distant light source.
SVGFEDropShadowElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feDropShadow’ elements, used within SVG filters to apply a drop shadow effect.
SVGFEFloodElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feFlood’ elements, used within SVG filters to create a flood of color.
SVGFEFuncAElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feFuncA’ elements, which define the alpha component transfer function.
SVGFEFuncBElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feFuncB’ elements, which define the alpha component transfer function.
SVGFEFuncGElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feFuncG’ elements, which define the alpha component transfer function.
SVGFEFuncRElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feFuncR’ elements, which define the alpha component transfer function.
SVGFEGaussianBlurElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feGaussianBlur’ elements, which apply a Gaussian blur filter effect.
SVGFEImageElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feImage’ elements, which define an image to be used by other filter primitives.
SVGFEMergeElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feMerge’ elements, which are used to composite together images or parts of images.
SVGFEMergeNodeElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feMergeNode’ elements, which define the input layers to be used within an ‘feMerge’ filter.
SVGFEMorphologyElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feMorphology’ elements, which are used to apply morphological operations like dilation or erosion on an input image.
SVGFEOffsetElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feOffset’ elements, which are used to apply an offset effect to an input image.
SVGFEPointLightElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘fePointLight’ elements, which define a point light source for use with lighting filter primitives.
SVGFESpecularLightingElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feSpecularLighting’ elements, which apply specular lighting effects to an image.
SVGFESpotLightElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feSpotLight’ elements, which define a light source that emits light in a specific direction, like a spotlight.
SVGFETileElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feTile’ elements, which replicate and tile the input image to fill the filter primitive subregion.
SVGFETurbulenceElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘feTurbulence’ elements, which create an image using the Perlin turbulence function.
SVGFilterElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ‘filter’ elements, which define filter effects that can be applied to SVG graphics.
SVGForeignObjectElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘foreignObject’ element, which allows for inclusion of external content in an SVG document.
This element can contain various types of content, such as HTML and XHTML, enabling more complex graphical representations within SVG.
SVGGElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘g’ (group) element. The ‘g’ element is used to group SVG shapes together.
Grouping elements allows for easier manipulation and styling of multiple elements as a single unit within SVG graphics.
SVGImageElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘image’ element. This element is used to embed images within SVG graphics.
It provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘image’ element and to add additional configurations like clip paths, masks, styles, and scripts.
SVGLineElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ’line’ element, which is used to draw straight lines within SVG graphics.
This class enables the building of content within the ’line’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ’line’ element in SVG.
SVGLinearGradientElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ’linearGradient’ element, which is used to define a linear gradient within SVG graphics.
It enables the building of content within the ’linearGradient’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ’linearGradient’ element in SVG.
SVGMarkerElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘marker’ element, which is used to define graphical markers, such as arrowheads or bullets, that can be attached to the ‘path’, ’line’, ‘polyline’, and ‘polygon’ elements.
This class enables the building of content within the ‘marker’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘marker’ element in SVG.
SVGMaskElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘mask’ element, which is used to define an alpha mask for compositing the current object into the background.
This class enables the building of content within the ‘mask’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘mask’ element in SVG.
SVGMetadataElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘metadata’ element, which is used to add metadata to an SVG document.
This class enables the addition of metadata content and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘metadata’ element in SVG.
SVGPathElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘path’ element, which is used to define a path in an SVG document.
This class provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘path’ element and to build its content.
SVGPatternElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘pattern’ element, which is used to define a pattern to be used for filling graphics elements within SVG.
This class provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘pattern’ element and to build its content.
SVGPolygonElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘polygon’ element.
The ‘polygon’ element is used to create a graphic that contains at least three sides.
This class provides methods to set various attributes and animate the polygon element.
SVGPolylineElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘polyline’ element.
The ‘polyline’ element is used to create a series of straight lines connecting multiple points in SVG graphics.
This class provides methods to set various attributes and animate the polyline element.
SVGRadialGradientElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘radialGradient’ element, which is used to define a radial gradient within SVG graphics.
This class enables the building of content within the ‘radialGradient’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘radialGradient’ element in SVG.
SVGRectElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘rect’ element.
The ‘rect’ element is used to create rectangles within SVG graphics.
This class provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘rect’ element, including corner radii and dimensions.
SVGSVGElementBuilderBuilder class for creating an SVGSVGElement, the root element of an SVG document.
SVGScriptElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘script’ element.
The ‘script’ element is used to embed or reference executable scripts within SVG documents.
This class provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘script’ element, such as type, source, and cross-origin settings.
SVGSetElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘set’ element.
The ‘set’ element is used to define a simple animation where a single attribute value changes over a period of time.
This class provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘set’ element, such as the target attribute and the value to set.
SVGStopElementBuilderBuilder class for constructing an SVG ‘stop’ element.
The ‘stop’ element is used within a gradient definition (either linear or radial) to define the color stops.
This class provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘stop’ element, such as the offset and color.
SVGStyleElementBuilderA builder class for constructing an SVG ‘style’ element.
This class facilitates the creation and configuration of an SVG style element with CSS rules.
SVGSwitchElementBuilderBuilder class for creating an SVGSwitchElement, which is used to conditionally display SVG content.
SVGSymbolElementBuilderBuilder class for creating an SVGSymbolElement, which is used to define graphical template objects within SVG.
SVGTSpanElementBuilderBuilder class for creating an SVGTSpanElement, which is used to position and style text within an SVG document.
SVGTextElementBuilderBuilder class for creating an SVGTextElement, which is used to define text in an SVG document.
SVGTextPathElementBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG ’textPath’ elements, which are used to align text to a path.
SVGTitleElementBuilderBuilder class for creating an SVGTitleElement, which is used to define the title of an SVG document or a part thereof.
SVGUseElementBuilderBuilder class for creating an SVGUseElement, which is used to reuse an existing SVG element by referencing it.
SVGViewElementBuilderBuilder class for creating an SVGViewElement, which defines a view within an SVG document.
TimingValueBuilderBuilds a timing value used for specifying animation or transition timings.
TransformBuilderBuilder class for creating SVG transform attribute strings.


AlignmentBaselineSpecifies the alignment baseline for text and other inline content in SVG.
AngleUnitsSpecifies the units for angles used in defining the orientation of markers in SVG.
AnimationFillSpecifies the behavior of the animation before and after its execution.
AspectRatioAlignSpecifies alignment types for the ‘preserveAspectRatio’ attribute in SVG.
AspectRatioScalingSpecifies the scaling behavior for SVG elements when preserving their aspect ratio.
BaseLineShiftSpecifies the vertical position of an element relative to its baseline in SVG.
BlendModeSpecifies the blending modes available for combining images or elements in SVG.
CalcModeSpecifies the calculation modes for interpolating values in SVG animations.
ChannelSelectorSpecifies the channel selectors for use in SVG filter operations.
ClipRuleDefines the rule to determine how to clip paths in SVG graphics.
ColorInterpolationSpecifies the color interpolation mode for SVG elements and filters.
ColorMatrixOperationSpecifies the type of operation to be applied in a color matrix filter.
ColorRenderingSpecifies the color rendering mode for an SVG element.
ComponentTransferTypeSpecifies the type of component transfer function to be applied in the FeComponentTransfer filter primitive of an SVG.
CompositeOperatorSpecifies the type of compositing operation to be applied in SVG compositing operations.
CompositingOperatorSpecifies the type of compositing operation to be applied in SVG masking operations.
CoordinateUnitsSpecifies the coordinate system units for various SVG elements such as masks, paint servers, and filters.
CursorDefines cursor types for SVG elements, allowing customization of the cursor appearance when hovering over these elements.
DashDefines the pattern of dashes and gaps used to paint the outline of shapes (stroke) in SVG elements.
DisplayTypeSpecifies the display behavior of elements in SVG documents.
DominantBaselineSpecifies the dominant baseline used for aligning text.
DurSpecifies the duration of an animation in SVG.
EdgeModeSpecifies the edge mode for the feConvolveMatrix filter primitive in SVG.
FillRuleSpecifies the rule to determine what parts of a shape are inside or outside in SVG graphics.
FilterInputSpecifies predefined input images for an SVG filter.
FontSizeSpecifies predefined font sizes for SVG text elements.
FontStretchSpecifies the different levels of font stretching for SVG text elements.
FontStyleSpecifies the different styles of fonts for SVG text elements.
FontWeightSpecifies the different weights of fonts for SVG text elements.
GeometryBoxSpecifies the reference box for mask and clip-path elements in SVG.
HorizontalEdgeSpecifies the horizontal edge reference for positioning in SVG.
HorizontalPositionSpecifies the horizontal position of an element or a component in SVG.
ImageRenderingSpecifies how an image should be rendered in SVG.
IndefiniteRepeatSpecifies the indefinite repetition of an SVG animation.
KerningSpecifies the kerning behavior for text in SVG.
LengthAdjustSpecifies how text length adjustments are made in SVG.
LengthTypeSpecifies the units of measurement for lengths in SVG.
MarkerPosSpecifies the position of markers in SVG.
MarkerUnitsSpecifies the coordinate system for the marker size in SVG.
MediaSpecifies the media-related timing conditions for SVG animations.
MorphologyOperatorSpecifies the type of morphological operation to be applied in SVG filters.
OrientSpecifies the orientation of the marker relative to the shape it is attached to.
OverflowSpecifies the overflow behavior for SVG elements.
PaintSpecifies the paint options for the fill and stroke attributes in SVG elements.
PaintOrderSpecifies the order in which fill, stroke, and markers are applied to SVG elements.
PointerEventsSpecifies how pointer events are handled by graphical elements in SVG.
ReferrerPolicySpecifies the referrer policy to be used when fetching resources.
RepeatStyleSpecifies the repeat style for background images or patterns in SVG.
RestartSpecifies the restart behavior for SVG animations.
RotateSpecifies the rotation behavior for elements during motion animation in SVG.
ShapeRenderingSpecifies the shape rendering mode for SVG elements.
SpacingSpecifies the spacing behavior for text elements in SVG.
SpreadMethodSpecifies how the colors in a gradient are spread beyond its bounds.
StitchTilesSpecifies the stitching options for the ‘feTurbulence’ filter primitive.
StopUnitTypeDefines the unit types for the offset in gradient ‘stop’ elements.
StrokeLineCapSpecifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
StrokeLineJoinSpecifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.
TargetSpecifies the browsing context for where to display the linked URL.
TextAnchorSpecifies how text is horizontally aligned relative to a given point.
TextDirectionSpecifies the directionality of text.
TextOrientationSpecifies the orientation of text when writing.
TextOverflowSpecifies how overflowed content inside a text element is handled.
TextPathMethodSpecifies the method used to render text along a path.
TextPathSpacingSpecifies the spacing strategy for text along a path.
TextRenderingSpecifies the text rendering strategy in SVG.
TransformationTypeSpecifies the type of transformation applied to an SVG element.
TurbulenceTypeSpecifies the type of turbulence effect for the feTurbulence SVG filter.
UnicodeBidiSpecifies the handling of bidirectional text in SVG.
VerticalEdgeSpecifies the vertical edge reference for positioning in SVG.
VerticalPositionSpecifies the vertical position of an element or a component in SVG.
VisibilitySpecifies the visibility of SVG elements.
WhiteSpaceSpecifies how white space inside an SVG element is handled.
WritingModeSpecifies the writing mode (direction of text flow) in SVG.
XLinkShowSpecifies the behavior when an SVG link is triggered.
XmlSpaceSpecifies how white space inside elements is handled in XML documents.
ZoomAndPanControls zooming and panning capabilities in an SVG document.