]FieldCitation.Suffix property
Gets or sets a suffix that is appended to the citation.
public string Suffix { get; set; }
Shows how to work with CITATION and BIBLIOGRAPHY fields.
// Open a document containing bibliographical sources that we can find in
// Microsoft Word via References -> Citations & Bibliography -> Manage Sources.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Bibliography.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Write("Text to be cited with one source.");
// Create a citation with just the page number and the author of the referenced book.
FieldCitation fieldCitation = (FieldCitation)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldCitation, true);
// We refer to sources using their tag names.
fieldCitation.SourceTag = "Book1";
fieldCitation.PageNumber = "85";
fieldCitation.SuppressAuthor = false;
fieldCitation.SuppressTitle = true;
fieldCitation.SuppressYear = true;
Assert.AreEqual(" CITATION Book1 \\p 85 \\t \\y", fieldCitation.GetFieldCode());
// Create a more detailed citation which cites two sources.
builder.Write("Text to be cited with two sources.");
fieldCitation = (FieldCitation)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldCitation, true);
fieldCitation.SourceTag = "Book1";
fieldCitation.AnotherSourceTag = "Book2";
fieldCitation.FormatLanguageId = "en-US";
fieldCitation.PageNumber = "19";
fieldCitation.Prefix = "Prefix ";
fieldCitation.Suffix = " Suffix";
fieldCitation.SuppressAuthor = false;
fieldCitation.SuppressTitle = false;
fieldCitation.SuppressYear = false;
fieldCitation.VolumeNumber = "VII";
Assert.AreEqual(" CITATION Book1 \\m Book2 \\l en-US \\p 19 \\f \"Prefix \" \\s \" Suffix\" \\v VII", fieldCitation.GetFieldCode());
// We can use a BIBLIOGRAPHY field to display all the sources within the document.
FieldBibliography fieldBibliography = (FieldBibliography)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldBibliography, true);
fieldBibliography.FormatLanguageId = "5129";
fieldBibliography.FilterLanguageId = "5129";
fieldBibliography.SourceTag = "Book2";
Assert.AreEqual(" BIBLIOGRAPHY \\l 5129 \\f 5129 \\m Book2", fieldBibliography.GetFieldCode());
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.CITATION.docx");
See Also
- class FieldCitation
- namespace Aspose.Words.Fields
- assembly Aspose.Words