]FieldIncludePicture.IsLinked property
Gets or sets whether to reduce the file size by not storing graphics data with the document.
public bool IsLinked { get; set; }
Shows how to insert images using IMPORT and INCLUDEPICTURE fields.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Below are two similar field types that we can use to display images linked from the local file system.
// 1 - The INCLUDEPICTURE field:
FieldIncludePicture fieldIncludePicture = (FieldIncludePicture)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldIncludePicture, true);
fieldIncludePicture.SourceFullName = ImageDir + "Transparent background logo.png";
Assert.True(Regex.Match(fieldIncludePicture.GetFieldCode(), " INCLUDEPICTURE .*").Success);
// Apply the PNG32.FLT filter.
fieldIncludePicture.GraphicFilter = "PNG32";
fieldIncludePicture.IsLinked = true;
fieldIncludePicture.ResizeHorizontally = true;
fieldIncludePicture.ResizeVertically = true;
// 2 - The IMPORT field:
FieldImport fieldImport = (FieldImport)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldImport, true);
fieldImport.SourceFullName = ImageDir + "Transparent background logo.png";
fieldImport.GraphicFilter = "PNG32";
fieldImport.IsLinked = true;
Assert.True(Regex.Match(fieldImport.GetFieldCode(), " IMPORT .* \\\\c PNG32 \\\\d").Success);
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.IMPORT.INCLUDEPICTURE.docx");
See Also
- class FieldIncludePicture
- namespace Aspose.Words.Fields
- assembly Aspose.Words