]FieldToc.HideInWebLayout property
Gets or sets whether to hide tab leader and page numbers in Web layout view.
public bool HideInWebLayout { get; set; }
Shows how to insert a TOC, and populate it with entries based on heading styles.
public void FieldToc()
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Insert a TOC field, which will compile all headings into a table of contents.
// For each heading, this field will create a line with the text in that heading style to the left,
// and the page the heading appears on to the right.
FieldToc field = (FieldToc)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldTOC, true);
// Use the BookmarkName property to only list headings
// that appear within the bounds of a bookmark with the "MyBookmark" name.
field.BookmarkName = "MyBookmark";
// Text with a built-in heading style, such as "Heading 1", applied to it will count as a heading.
// We can name additional styles to be picked up as headings by the TOC in this property and their TOC levels.
field.CustomStyles = "Quote; 6; Intense Quote; 7";
// By default, Styles/TOC levels are separated in the CustomStyles property by a comma,
// but we can set a custom delimiter in this property.
doc.FieldOptions.CustomTocStyleSeparator = ";";
// Configure the field to exclude any headings that have TOC levels outside of this range.
field.HeadingLevelRange = "1-3";
// The TOC will not display the page numbers of headings whose TOC levels are within this range.
field.PageNumberOmittingLevelRange = "2-5";
// Set a custom string that will separate every heading from its page number.
field.EntrySeparator = "-";
field.InsertHyperlinks = true;
field.HideInWebLayout = false;
field.PreserveLineBreaks = true;
field.PreserveTabs = true;
field.UseParagraphOutlineLevel = false;
InsertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "First entry", "Heading 1");
builder.Writeln("Paragraph text.");
InsertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Second entry", "Heading 1");
InsertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Third entry", "Quote");
InsertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Fourth entry", "Intense Quote");
// These two headings will have the page numbers omitted because they are within the "2-5" range.
InsertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Fifth entry", "Heading 2");
InsertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Sixth entry", "Heading 3");
// This entry does not appear because "Heading 4" is outside of the "1-3" range that we have set earlier.
InsertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Seventh entry", "Heading 4");
builder.Writeln("Paragraph text.");
// This entry does not appear because it is outside the bookmark specified by the TOC.
InsertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Eighth entry", "Heading 1");
Assert.AreEqual(" TOC \\b MyBookmark \\t \"Quote; 6; Intense Quote; 7\" \\o 1-3 \\n 2-5 \\p - \\h \\x \\w", field.GetFieldCode());
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.TOC.docx");
/// <summary>
/// Start a new page and insert a paragraph of a specified style.
/// </summary>
public void InsertNewPageWithHeading(DocumentBuilder builder, string captionText, string styleName)
string originalStyle = builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleName;
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles[styleName];
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = builder.Document.Styles[originalStyle];
See Also
- class FieldToc
- namespace Aspose.Words.Fields
- assembly Aspose.Words