]MergeFieldImageDimension class
Represents an image dimension (i.e. the width or the height) used across a mail merge process.
To learn more, visit the Working with Fields documentation article.
public class MergeFieldImageDimension
Name | Description |
MergeFieldImageDimension(double) | Creates an image dimension instance with the given value in points. |
MergeFieldImageDimension(double, MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit) | Creates an image dimension instance with the given value and the given unit. |
Name | Description |
Unit { get; set; } | The unit. |
Value { get; set; } | The value. |
To indicate that the image should be inserted with its original dimension during a mail merge, you should assign a negative value to the Value
Shows how to set the dimensions of images as MERGEFIELDS accepts them during a mail merge.
public void MergeFieldImageDimension()
Document doc = new Document();
// Insert a MERGEFIELD that will accept images from a source during a mail merge. Use the field code to reference
// a column in the data source containing local system filenames of images we wish to use in the mail merge.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldMergeField field = (FieldMergeField)builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD Image:ImageColumn");
// The data source should have such a column named "ImageColumn".
Assert.AreEqual("Image:ImageColumn", field.FieldName);
// Create a suitable data source.
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable("Images");
dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ImageColumn"));
dataTable.Rows.Add(ImageDir + "Logo.jpg");
dataTable.Rows.Add(ImageDir + "Transparent background logo.png");
dataTable.Rows.Add(ImageDir + "Enhanced Windows MetaFile.emf");
// Configure a callback to modify the sizes of images at merge time, then execute the mail merge.
doc.MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback = new MergedImageResizer(200, 200, MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit.Point);
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.MERGEFIELD.ImageDimension.docx");
/// <summary>
/// Sets the size of all mail merged images to one defined width and height.
/// </summary>
private class MergedImageResizer : IFieldMergingCallback
public MergedImageResizer(double imageWidth, double imageHeight, MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit unit)
mImageWidth = imageWidth;
mImageHeight = imageHeight;
mUnit = unit;
public void FieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void ImageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs args)
args.ImageFileName = args.FieldValue.ToString();
args.ImageWidth = new MergeFieldImageDimension(mImageWidth, mUnit);
args.ImageHeight = new MergeFieldImageDimension(mImageHeight, mUnit);
Assert.AreEqual(mImageWidth, args.ImageWidth.Value);
Assert.AreEqual(mUnit, args.ImageWidth.Unit);
Assert.AreEqual(mImageHeight, args.ImageHeight.Value);
Assert.AreEqual(mUnit, args.ImageHeight.Unit);
private readonly double mImageWidth;
private readonly double mImageHeight;
private readonly MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit mUnit;
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Words.Fields
- assembly Aspose.Words