]XamlFlowSaveOptions class
Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the XamlFlow or XamlFlowPack format.
To learn more, visit the Specify Save Options documentation article.
public class XamlFlowSaveOptions : SaveOptions
Name | Description |
XamlFlowSaveOptions() | Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the XamlFlow format. |
XamlFlowSaveOptions(SaveFormat) | Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the XamlFlow or XamlFlowPack format. |
Name | Description |
AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts { get; set; } | Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to allow embedding fonts with PostScript outlines when embedding TrueType fonts in a document upon it is saved. The default value is false . |
CustomTimeZoneInfo { get; set; } | Gets or sets custom local time zone used for date/time fields. |
DefaultTemplate { get; set; } | Gets or sets path to default template (including filename). Default value for this property is empty string (Empty). |
Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining how 3D effects are rendered. |
virtual DmlEffectsRenderingMode { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered. |
DmlRenderingMode { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered. |
ExportGeneratorName { get; set; } | When true , causes the name and version of Aspose.Words to be embedded into produced files. Default value is true . |
ImageSavingCallback { get; set; } | Allows to control how images are saved when a document is saved to XAML. |
ImagesFolder { get; set; } | Specifies the physical folder where images are saved when exporting a document to XAML format. Default is an empty string. |
ImagesFolderAlias { get; set; } | Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into an XAML document. Default is an empty string. |
ImlRenderingMode { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining how ink (InkML) objects are rendered. |
MemoryOptimization { get; set; } | Gets or sets value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document. Default value for this property is false . |
PrettyFormat { get; set; } | When true , pretty formats output where applicable. Default value is false . |
ProgressCallback { get; set; } | Called during saving a document and accepts data about saving progress. |
ReplaceBackslashWithYenSign { get; set; } | Specifies whether backslash characters should be replaced with yen signs. Default value is false . |
override SaveFormat { get; set; } | Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used. Can only be XamlFlow. |
TempFolder { get; set; } | Specifies the folder for temporary files used when saving to a DOC or DOCX file. By default this property is null and no temporary files are used. |
UpdateAmbiguousTextFont { get; set; } | Determines whether the font attributes will be changed according to the character code being used. |
UpdateCreatedTimeProperty { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining whether the CreatedTime property is updated before saving. Default value is false ; |
UpdateFields { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format. Default value for this property is true . |
UpdateLastPrintedProperty { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining whether the LastPrinted property is updated before saving. |
UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining whether the LastSavedTime property is updated before saving. |
UseAntiAliasing { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering. |
UseHighQualityRendering { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e. slow) rendering algorithms. |
Shows how to print the filenames of linked images created while converting a document to flow-form .xaml.
public void ImageFolder()
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.docx");
ImageUriPrinter callback = new ImageUriPrinter(ArtifactsDir + "XamlFlowImageFolderAlias");
// Create a "XamlFlowSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
// to modify how we save the document to the XAML save format.
XamlFlowSaveOptions options = new XamlFlowSaveOptions();
Assert.AreEqual(SaveFormat.XamlFlow, options.SaveFormat);
// Use the "ImagesFolder" property to assign a folder in the local file system into which
// Aspose.Words will save all the document's linked images.
options.ImagesFolder = ArtifactsDir + "XamlFlowImageFolder";
// Use the "ImagesFolderAlias" property to use this folder
// when constructing image URIs instead of the images folder's name.
options.ImagesFolderAlias = ArtifactsDir + "XamlFlowImageFolderAlias";
options.ImageSavingCallback = callback;
// A folder specified by "ImagesFolderAlias" will need to contain the resources instead of "ImagesFolder".
// We must ensure the folder exists before the callback's streams can put their resources into it.
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImageFolder.xaml", options);
foreach (string resource in callback.Resources)
/// <summary>
/// Counts and prints filenames of images while their parent document is converted to flow-form .xaml.
/// </summary>
private class ImageUriPrinter : IImageSavingCallback
public ImageUriPrinter(string imagesFolderAlias)
ImagesFolderAlias = imagesFolderAlias;
Resources = new List<string>();
void IImageSavingCallback.ImageSaving(ImageSavingArgs args)
// If we specified an image folder alias, we would also need
// to redirect each stream to put its image in the alias folder.
args.ImageStream = new FileStream($"{ImagesFolderAlias}/{args.ImageFileName}", FileMode.Create);
args.KeepImageStreamOpen = false;
public string ImagesFolderAlias { get; }
public List<string> Resources { get; }
See Also
- class SaveOptions
- namespace Aspose.Words.Saving
- assembly Aspose.Words