
XlsxDateTimeParsingMode enumeration

Specifies how document text is parsed to identify date and time values.

public enum XlsxDateTimeParsingMode


UseCurrentLocale0The datetime format set for the current thread is used first to parse string values. If the parsing fails, other common datetime formats are tried.
Auto1The datetime format used in a document is determined automatically. This may take additional time.


Shows how to specify autodetection of the date time format.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Xlsx DateTime.docx");

XlsxSaveOptions saveOptions = new XlsxSaveOptions();
// Specify using datetime format autodetection.
saveOptions.DateTimeParsingMode = XlsxDateTimeParsingMode.Auto;

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "XlsxSaveOptions.DateTimeParsingMode.xlsx", saveOptions);

See Also