
MapiCalendarOverrideFlags enumeration

Specifies what data in the MapiCalendarOverrideFlags structure has a value different from the recurring series.


Member nameDescription
SUBJECTIndicates that the Subject, SubjectLength, and SubjectLength2 fields are present.
MEETING_TYPEIndicates that the MeetingType field is present.
REMINDER_DELTAIndicates that the ReminderDelta field is present.
REMINDERIndicates that the ReminderSet field is present.
LOCATIONIndicates that the Location, LocationLength, and LocationLength2 fields are present.
BUSY_STATUSIndicates that the BusyStatus field is present.
ATTACHMENTIndicates that the attachment field is present.
SUBTYPEIndicates that the SubType field is present.
APPOINTMENT_COLORReserved for future use and MUST NOT be set.
EXCEPTIONAL_BODYIndicates that the Exception Embedded Message object has the PidTagRtfCompressed property set on it.

See Also