]MapiPropertyType enumeration
Represents the data type of MapiProperty data.
Member name | Description |
NONE | No values are set. |
SHORT | Signed 16-bit integer. This property type is the same as PT_SHORT and the OLE type VT_I2. |
LONG | Signed or unsigned 32-bit integer. This property type is the same as PT_I4 and the OLE type VT_I4. |
ERROR | SCODE value; 32-bit unsigned integer. This property type is the same as the OLE type VT_ERROR. |
BOOLEAN | 16-bit Boolean value where zero equals FALSE and non-zero equals TRUE. This property type is the same as the OLE type VT_BOOL. |
OBJECT | Pointer to an object that implements the IUnknown interface. This property type is similar to several OLE types such as VT_UNKNOWN. |
LONGLONG | Signed or unsigned 64-bit integer. This property type is the same as PT_I8 and the OLE type VT_I8. |
STRING8 | Null-terminated 8-bit character string. This property type is the same as the OLE type VT_LPSTR. |
SYSTIME | 64-bit integer data and time value in the form of a FILETIME structure. This property type is the same as the OLE type VT_FILETIME. |
CLSID | CLSID structure value. This property type is the same as the OLE type VT_CLSID. |
BINARY | SBinary structure value, a counted byte array. |
MV_XXX | PT_MV_xxx |
MV_STRING8 | A count field followed by that many PT_STRING8 values. |
MV_UNICODE | A count field followed by that many PT_UNICODE values. |
MV_BINARY | A count field followed by that many PT_BINARY values. |
DOUBLE | A 64-bit floating point number. |
FLOAT | A 32-bit floating point number. |
MV_FLOAT | A count field followed by that many PT_FLOAT values. |
MV_DOUBLE | A count field followed by that many PT_DOUBLE values. |
MV_CURRENCY | A count field followed by that many PT_CURRENCY values. |
MV_APPTIME | A count field followed by that many PtypFloatingTime values. |
MV_LONGLONG | A count field followed by that many PT_LONGLONG values. |
MV_CLSID | A count field followed by that many PT_CLSID values. |
MV_SHORT | A count field followed by that many PT_SHORT values. |
MV_SYSTIME | A count field followed by that many PT_SYSTIME values. |
MV_BOOLEAN | A count field followed by that many PT_BOOLEAN values. |
SVREID | Variable size, a 16-bit (2-byte) count followed by a structure. |
UNSPECIFIED | Indicates that the property type is unknown. |
NULL | Indicates no property value. |
MV_LONG | A count field followed by that many PT_LONG values. |
See Also
- namespace
- assembly Aspose.Email