]MapiTask class
Represents a MAPI task item.
The MapiTask type exposes the following members:
Name | Description |
MapiTask() | Initializes a new instance of the MapiTask class. |
MapiTask(subject, body, start_date, due_date) | Initializes a new instance of the MapiTask class |
Name | Description |
properties | |
code_page | |
item_id | The item id, uses with a server |
attachments | Gets the attachments collection. |
property_stream | Gets the property stream. |
named_properties | Gets the named properties of message. |
recipients | Gets the recipients of the message. |
sub_storages | Gets the sub storages. |
named_property_mapping | Gets the named property mapping. |
subject_prefix | Gets a subject prefix that typically indicates some action on a message, such as “FW: " for forwarding. |
body_type | Gets the type of the body. |
body_rtf | Gets or sets the RTF formatted message text. |
body_html | Gets the body_rtf of the message converted to HTML, if present, otherwise an empty string. |
companies | Contains the names of the companies that are associated with an item. |
categories | Contains keywords or categories for the message object. |
mileage | Contains the mileage information that is associated with an item. |
billing | Contains the billing information associated with an item. |
sensitivity | Gets the Sensitivity. |
message_class | Gets a case-sensitive string that identifies the sender-defined message class, such as IPM.Note. The message class specifies the type, purpose, or content of the message. |
supported_type | Gets the supported item type. |
body | Gets the message text. |
subject | Gets or sets the subject of the message. |
percent_complete | Gets or sets the progress the user has made on a task. |
actual_effort | Gets or sets the number of minutes that the user actually spent working on a task. |
estimated_effort | Gets or sets the number of minutes that the user expects to work on a task. |
due_date | Gets or sets the date by which the user expects work on the task to be complete. |
start_date | Gets or sets the date on which the user expects work on the task to begin. |
date_completed | Gets or sets the date when the user completed work on the task. |
last_update | Gets or sets the date and time of the most recent change made to the Task object. |
recurrence | Gets or sets the recurrence properties. |
history | Gets or sets the type of change that was last made to the Task object. |
users | Gets or sets information about task users. |
status | Gets or sets the status of the user’s progress on the task. |
mode | Gets or sets the assignment status of the Task object. |
state | Gets or sets the current assignment state of the Task object. |
priority | Gets or sets the current Priority of the Task object. |
acceptance_state | Gets or sets the acceptance state of the task. |
flags | Gets the indication flags of the Task object. |
reminder_time | Gets or sets the initial signal time for a reminder |
reminder_set | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a reminder is set on the object |
reminder_file_parameter | Specifies the full path of the sound that a client SHOULD play when the reminder becomes overdue. |
Name | Description |
set_property(pd, value) | |
set_property(value) | |
try_get_property_string(tag, codepage) | |
try_get_property_string(tag) | |
try_get_property_string(tag, value, codepage) | |
try_get_property_string(tag, value) | |
get_property_string(tag, codepage) | |
get_property_string(tag) | |
set_body_content(content, content_type) | |
set_body_content(content, content_type, compression) | |
save(stream, save_format) | |
save(file_path, save_format) | |
from_v_todo(file_path) | |
from_v_todo(file_path, detect_encoding) | |
from_v_todo(stream) | |
from_v_todo(stream, detect_encoding) | |
get_property(pd) | |
try_get_property_data(tag) | |
get_property_bytes(tag) | |
get_property_int32(tag) | |
get_property_long(tag) | |
get_property_short(tag) | |
get_property_boolean(tag) | |
get_property_date_time(key) | |
is_store_unicode_ok() | |
try_get_property_date_time(tag, value) | |
try_get_property_long(tag, value) | |
try_get_property_int32(tag, value) | |
set_body_rtf(content, compression) | |
set_message_flags(flags) | |
remove_property(tag) | |
get_underlying_message() |
See Also
- namespace
- assembly Aspose.Email