CmxRasterizationOptions Class

Summary: the CMX exporter options.

Module: aspose.imaging.imageoptions

Full Name: aspose.imaging.imageoptions.CmxRasterizationOptions

Inheritance: IHasXmpData, IHasMetadata, VectorRasterizationOptions


CmxRasterizationOptions()Initializes a new instance of the CmxRasterizationOptions class.


background_colorColorr/wGets or sets a background color.
border_xfloatr/wGets or sets the border X.
border_yfloatr/wGets or sets the border Y.
buffer_size_hintintr/wGets or sets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.
center_drawingboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether center drawing.
disposedboolrGets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
draw_colorColorr/wGets or sets a foreground color.
full_frameboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether [full frame].
keep_metadataboolr/wGets a value whether to keep original image metadata on export.
multi_page_optionsMultiPageOptionsr/wThe multipage options
page_heightfloatr/wGets or sets the page height.
If the value is 0, the source image aspect ratio will be preserved.
page_sizeSizeFr/wGets or sets the page size.
If one of SizeF dimensions is 0, the source image aspect ratio will be preserved.
page_widthfloatr/wGets or sets the page width.
If the value is 0, the source image aspect ratio will be preserved.
paletteIColorPaletter/wGets or sets the color palette.
positioningPositioningTypesr/wGets or sets the positioning.
resolution_settingsResolutionSettingr/wGets or sets the resolution settings.
smoothing_modeSmoothingModer/wGets or sets the smoothing mode.
sourceSourcer/wGets or sets the source to create image in.
text_rendering_hintTextRenderingHintr/wGets or sets the text rendering hint.
vector_rasterization_optionsVectorRasterizationOptionsr/wGets or sets the vector rasterization options.
xmp_dataXmpPacketWrapperr/wGets or sets Xmp data.


clone()Creates a memberwise clone of this instance.
copy_to(vector_rasterization_options)Copies this instance to vectorRasterizationOptions.

Constructor: CmxRasterizationOptions()


Initializes a new instance of the CmxRasterizationOptions class.

Method: clone()


Creates a memberwise clone of this instance.


ImageOptionsBaseA memberwise clone of this instance.

Method: copy_to(vector_rasterization_options)


Copies this instance to vectorRasterizationOptions.


vector_rasterization_optionsVectorRasterizationOptionsThe vector rasterization options.