VectorRasterizationOptions Class

Summary: The vector rasterization options.

Module: aspose.imaging.imageoptions

Full Name: aspose.imaging.imageoptions.VectorRasterizationOptions

Inheritance: IHasXmpData, IHasMetadata, ImageOptionsBase

Aspose.Imaging Version: 24.6.0


VectorRasterizationOptions()Initializes a new instance of the VectorRasterizationOptions class


background_colorColorr/wGets or sets a background color.
border_xfloatr/wGets or sets the border X.
border_yfloatr/wGets or sets the border Y.
buffer_size_hintintr/wGets or sets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.
center_drawingboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether center drawing.
disposedboolrGets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
draw_colorColorr/wGets or sets a foreground color.
full_frameboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether [full frame].
keep_metadataboolr/wGets a value whether to keep original image metadata on export.
multi_page_optionsMultiPageOptionsr/wThe multipage options
page_heightfloatr/wGets or sets the page height.
page_sizeSizeFr/wGets or sets the page size.
page_widthfloatr/wGets or sets the page width.
paletteIColorPaletter/wGets or sets the color palette.
positioningPositioningTypesr/wGets or sets the positioning.
resolution_settingsResolutionSettingr/wGets or sets the resolution settings.
smoothing_modeSmoothingModer/wGets or sets the smoothing mode.
sourceSourcer/wGets or sets the source to create image in.
text_rendering_hintTextRenderingHintr/wGets or sets the text rendering hint.
vector_rasterization_optionsVectorRasterizationOptionsr/wGets or sets the vector rasterization options.
xmp_dataXmpPacketWrapperr/wGets or sets the XMP metadata container.


clone()Clones this instance.
copy_to(vector_rasterization_options)Copies to.

Constructor: VectorRasterizationOptions()


Initializes a new instance of the VectorRasterizationOptions class

Property: positioning

Gets or sets the positioning.

See also:

Example # 1: The following example shows how to set a memory limit when loading a CMX imag…

Method: clone()


Clones this instance.


ImageOptionsBaseReturns shallow copy of this instance

Method: copy_to(vector_rasterization_options)


Copies to.


vector_rasterization_optionsVectorRasterizationOptionsThe vector rasterization options.


The following example shows how to set a memory limit when loading a CMX image. The memory limit is the maximum allowed size (in megabytes) for all internal buffers.

from aspose.imaging import Image, TextRenderingHint, SmoothingMode, PositioningTypes, LoadOptions
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PngOptions, CmxRasterizationOptions
import os

directory = "c:\\aspose.imaging\\issues\\net\\3419\\"
# Setting a memory limit of 10 megabytes for a target loaded image.
load_options = LoadOptions()
load_options.buffer_size_hint = 10
with Image.load(os.path.join(directory, "example.cmx"), load_options) as image:
	png_options = PngOptions()
	cmx_spec = CmxRasterizationOptions()
	cmx_spec.text_renderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SINGLE_BIT_PER_PIXEL
	cmx_spec.smoothing_mode = SmoothingMode.ANTI_ALIAS
	cmx_spec.positioning = PositioningTypes.DEFINED_BY_DOCUMENT
	png_options.vector_rasterization_options = cmx_spec, "output.png"), png_options)