Pen Class

Summary: Defines an object used to draw lines, curves and figures.

Module: aspose.imaging

Full Name: aspose.imaging.Pen

Inheritance: TransparencySupporter


Pen(brush)Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.brush.
Pen(brush, width)Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.brush and Pen.width.
Pen(color)Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified color.
Pen(color, width)Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.color and Pen.width properties.


alignmentPenAlignmentr/wGets or sets the alignment for this Pen.
brushBrushr/wGets or sets the Pen.brush that determines attributes of this Pen.
colorColorr/wGets or sets the color of this Pen.
compound_arrayfloatr/wGets or sets an array of values that specifies a compound pen. A compound pen draws a compound line made up of parallel lines and spaces.
custom_end_capCustomLineCapr/wGets or sets a custom cap to use at the end of lines drawn with this Pen.
custom_start_capCustomLineCapr/wGets or sets a custom cap to use at the beginning of lines drawn with this Pen.
dash_capDashCapr/wGets or sets the cap style used at the end of the dashes that make up dashed lines drawn with this Pen.
dash_offsetfloatr/wGets or sets the distance from the start of a line to the beginning of a dash pattern.
dash_patternfloatr/wGets or sets an array of custom dashes and spaces.
dash_styleDashStyler/wGets or sets the style used for dashed lines drawn with this Pen.
end_capLineCapr/wGets or sets the cap style used at the end of lines drawn with this Pen.
line_joinLineJoinr/wGets or sets the join style for the ends of two consecutive lines drawn with this Pen.
miter_limitfloatr/wGets or sets the limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner.
opacityfloatr/wGets or sets the object’s opacity. The value should be between 0 and 1. Value of 0 means that object is fully visible, value of 1 means the object is fully opaque.
pen_typePenTyperGets the style of lines drawn with this Pen.
start_capLineCapr/wGets or sets the cap style used at the beginning of lines drawn with this Pen.
transformMatrixr/wGets or sets a copy of the geometric transformation for this Pen.
widthfloatr/wGets or sets the width of this Pen, in units of the Graphics object used for drawing.


create_with_brush(brush)Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.brush.
create_with_brush_width(brush, width)Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.brush and Pen.width.
create_with_color(color)Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified color.
create_with_color_width(color, width)Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.color and Pen.width properties.
multiply_transform(matrix)Multiplies the transformation matrix for this Pen by the specified Matrix.
multiply_transform(matrix, order)Multiplies the transformation matrix for this Pen by the specified Matrix in the specified order.
reset_transform()Resets the geometric transformation matrix for this Pen to identity.
rotate_transform(angle)Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle. This method prepends the rotation to the transformation.
rotate_transform(angle, order)Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle in the specified order.
scale_transform(sx, sy)Scales the local geometric transformation by the specified factors. This method prepends the scaling matrix to the transformation.
scale_transform(sx, sy, order)Scales the local geometric transformation by the specified factors in the specified order.
set_line_cap(start_cap, end_cap, dash_cap)Sets the values that determine the style of cap used to end lines drawn by this Pen.
translate_transform(dx, dy)Translates the local geometric transformation by the specified dimensions. This method prepends the translation to the transformation.
translate_transform(dx, dy, order)Translates the local geometric transformation by the specified dimensions in the specified order.

Constructor: Pen(brush)


Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.brush.


brushBrushA Pen.brush that determines the fill properties of this Pen.

Constructor: Pen(brush, width)

 Pen(brush, width) 

Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.brush and Pen.width.


brushBrushA Pen.brush that determines the characteristics of this Pen.
widthfloatThe width of the new Pen.

Constructor: Pen(color)


Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified color.


colorColorA Pen.color structure that indicates the color of this Pen.

Constructor: Pen(color, width)

 Pen(color, width) 

Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.color and Pen.width properties.


colorColorA Pen.color structure that indicates the color of this Pen.
widthfloatA value indicating the width of this Pen.

See also:

Example # 1: This example shows the creation and usage Pen objects. The example creates a …

Method: create_with_brush(brush) [static]


Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.brush.


brushBrushA Pen.brush that determines the fill properties of this Pen.



Method: create_with_brush_width(brush, width) [static]

 create_with_brush_width(brush, width) 

Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.brush and Pen.width.


brushBrushA Pen.brush that determines the characteristics of this Pen.
widthfloatThe width of the new Pen.



Method: create_with_color(color) [static]


Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified color.


colorColorA Pen.color structure that indicates the color of this Pen.



Method: create_with_color_width(color, width) [static]

 create_with_color_width(color, width) 

Initializes a new instance of the Pen class with the specified Pen.color and Pen.width properties.


colorColorA Pen.color structure that indicates the color of this Pen.
widthfloatA value indicating the width of this Pen.



Method: multiply_transform(matrix)


Multiplies the transformation matrix for this Pen by the specified Matrix.


matrixMatrixThe Matrix object by which to multiply the transformation matrix.

Method: multiply_transform(matrix, order)

 multiply_transform(matrix, order) 

Multiplies the transformation matrix for this Pen by the specified Matrix in the specified order.


matrixMatrixThe Matrix by which to multiply the transformation matrix.
orderMatrixOrderThe order in which to perform the multiplication operation.

Method: rotate_transform(angle)


Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle. This method prepends the rotation to the transformation.


anglefloatThe angle of rotation.

Method: rotate_transform(angle, order)

 rotate_transform(angle, order) 

Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle in the specified order.


anglefloatThe angle of rotation.
orderMatrixOrderA MatrixOrder that specifies whether to append or prepend the rotation matrix.

Method: scale_transform(sx, sy)

 scale_transform(sx, sy) 

Scales the local geometric transformation by the specified factors. This method prepends the scaling matrix to the transformation.


sxfloatThe factor by which to scale the transformation in the x-axis direction.
syfloatThe factor by which to scale the transformation in the y-axis direction.

Method: scale_transform(sx, sy, order)

 scale_transform(sx, sy, order) 

Scales the local geometric transformation by the specified factors in the specified order.


sxfloatThe factor by which to scale the transformation in the x-axis direction.
syfloatThe factor by which to scale the transformation in the y-axis direction.
orderMatrixOrderA MatrixOrder that specifies whether to append or prepend the scaling matrix.

Method: set_line_cap(start_cap, end_cap, dash_cap)

 set_line_cap(start_cap, end_cap, dash_cap) 

Sets the values that determine the style of cap used to end lines drawn by this Pen.


start_capLineCapA LineCap that represents the cap style to use at the beginning of lines drawn with this Pen.
end_capLineCapA LineCap that represents the cap style to use at the end of lines drawn with this Pen.
dash_capDashCapA LineCap that represents the cap style to use at the beginning or end of dashed lines drawn with this Pen.

Method: translate_transform(dx, dy)

 translate_transform(dx, dy) 

Translates the local geometric transformation by the specified dimensions. This method prepends the translation to the transformation.


dxfloatThe value of the translation in x.
dyfloatThe value of the translation in y.

Method: translate_transform(dx, dy, order)

 translate_transform(dx, dy, order) 

Translates the local geometric transformation by the specified dimensions in the specified order.


dxfloatThe value of the translation in x.
dyfloatThe value of the translation in y.
orderMatrixOrderThe order (prepend or append) in which to apply the translation.


This example shows the creation and usage Pen objects. The example creates a new Image and draw rectangles on the Image surface.

from aspose.imaging import Image, Graphics, Color, Pen, Rectangle, Point, Size
from aspose.imaging.brushes import HatchBrush
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import BmpOptions
from aspose.imaging.sources import FileCreateSource

# Create an instance of BmpOptions and set its various properties
bmpOptions = BmpOptions()
bmpOptions.bits_per_pixel = 24
# Create an instance of FileCreateSource and assign it as Source for the instance of BmpOptions
# Second Boolean parameter determines if the file to be created IsTemporal or not
bmpOptions.source = FileCreateSource(r"C:\temp\sample.bmp", False)
# Create an instance of Image at specified Path
with Image.create(bmpOptions, 500, 500) as image:
	# Create an instance of Graphics and initialize it with Image object
	graphics = Graphics(image)
	# Clear the Graphics surface with White Color
	#Create an instance of Pen with color Red and width 5
	pen = Pen(, 5.0);
	# Create an instance of HatchBrush and set its properties
	brush = HatchBrush()
	brush.background_color = Color.wheat;
	brush.foreground_color =;
	# Create an instance of Pen
	# initialize it with HatchBrush object and width
	brusedpen = Pen(brush, 5.0)
	# Draw Rectangles by specifying Pen object
	graphics.draw_rectangles(pen, [
		Rectangle(Point(210, 210), Size(100, 100)),
		Rectangle(Point(110, 110), Size(100, 100)),
		Rectangle(Point(310, 310), Size(100, 100)) ])

	# Draw Rectangles by specifying Pen object
	graphics.draw_rectangles(brusedpen, [
		Rectangle(Point(310, 110), Size(100, 100)),
		Rectangle(Point(110, 310), Size(100, 100)) ])

	# save all changes.