
TextPath.ReverseRows property

Determines whether the layout order of rows is reversed.

public bool ReverseRows { get; set; }


The default value is false.

If true, the layout order of rows is reversed. This attribute is used for vertical text layout.


Shows how to work with WordArt.

public void InsertTextPaths()
    Document doc = new Document();

    // Insert a WordArt object to display text in a shape that we can re-size and move by using the mouse in Microsoft Word.
    // Provide a "ShapeType" as an argument to set a shape for the WordArt.
    Shape shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "Hello World! This text is bold, and italic.",
        "Arial", 480, 24, Color.White, Color.Black, ShapeType.TextPlainText);

    // Apply the "Bold" and "Italic" formatting settings to the text using the respective properties.
    shape.TextPath.Bold = true;
    shape.TextPath.Italic = true;

    // Below are various other text formatting-related properties.

    Assert.AreEqual(36.0, shape.TextPath.Size);
    Assert.AreEqual("Hello World! This text is bold, and italic.", shape.TextPath.Text);
    Assert.AreEqual(ShapeType.TextPlainText, shape.ShapeType);

    // Use the "On" property to show/hide the text.
    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "On set to \"true\"", "Calibri", 150, 24, Color.Yellow, Color.Red, ShapeType.TextPlainText);
    shape.TextPath.On = true;

    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "On set to \"false\"", "Calibri", 150, 24, Color.Yellow, Color.Purple, ShapeType.TextPlainText);
    shape.TextPath.On = false;

    // Use the "Kerning" property to enable/disable kerning spacing between certain characters.
    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "Kerning: VAV", "Times New Roman", 90, 24, Color.Orange, Color.Red, ShapeType.TextPlainText);
    shape.TextPath.Kerning = true;

    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "No kerning: VAV", "Times New Roman", 100, 24, Color.Orange, Color.Red, ShapeType.TextPlainText);
    shape.TextPath.Kerning = false;

    // Use the "Spacing" property to set the custom spacing between characters on a scale from 0.0 (none) to 1.0 (default).
    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "Spacing set to 0.1", "Calibri", 120, 24, Color.BlueViolet, Color.Blue, ShapeType.TextCascadeDown);
    shape.TextPath.Spacing = 0.1;

    // Set the "RotateLetters" property to "true" to rotate each character 90 degrees counterclockwise.
    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "RotateLetters", "Calibri", 200, 36, Color.GreenYellow, Color.Green, ShapeType.TextWave);
    shape.TextPath.RotateLetters = true;

    // Set the "SameLetterHeights" property to "true" to get the x-height of each character to equal the cap height.
    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "Same character height for lower and UPPER case", "Calibri", 300, 24, Color.DeepSkyBlue, Color.DodgerBlue, ShapeType.TextSlantUp);
    shape.TextPath.SameLetterHeights = true;

    // By default, the text's size will always scale to fit the containing shape's size, overriding the text size setting.
    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "FitShape on", "Calibri", 160, 24, Color.LightBlue, Color.Blue, ShapeType.TextPlainText);
    shape.TextPath.Size = 24.0;

    // If we set the "FitShape: property to "false", the text will keep the size
    // which the "Size" property specifies regardless of the size of the shape.
    // Use the "TextPathAlignment" property also to align the text to a side of the shape.
    shape = AppendWordArt(doc, "FitShape off", "Calibri", 160, 24, Color.LightBlue, Color.Blue, ShapeType.TextPlainText);
    shape.TextPath.FitShape = false;
    shape.TextPath.Size = 24.0;
    shape.TextPath.TextPathAlignment = TextPathAlignment.Right;

    doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Shape.InsertTextPaths.docx");

/// <summary>
/// Insert a new paragraph with a WordArt shape inside it.
/// </summary>
private static Shape AppendWordArt(Document doc, string text, string textFontFamily, double shapeWidth, double shapeHeight, Color wordArtFill, Color line, ShapeType wordArtShapeType)
    // Create an inline Shape, which will serve as a container for our WordArt.
    // The shape can only be a valid WordArt shape if we assign a WordArt-designated ShapeType to it.
    // These types will have "WordArt object" in the description,
    // and their enumerator constant names will all start with "Text".
    Shape shape = new Shape(doc, wordArtShapeType)
        WrapType = WrapType.Inline,
        Width = shapeWidth,
        Height = shapeHeight,
        FillColor = wordArtFill,
        StrokeColor = line

    shape.TextPath.Text = text;
    shape.TextPath.FontFamily = textFontFamily;

    Paragraph para = (Paragraph)doc.FirstSection.Body.AppendChild(new Paragraph(doc));
    return shape;

See Also